who is the owner of silver oak golf course carson city nv

by Barbara Gibson II 9 min read

Meet the Business Owner: Garth R. Silver Oak Planned Unit Development, containing the eighteen-hole golf course, approximately twelve hundred homes, and many acres of commercial property, is Mr. Richard's crowning achievement. Silver Oak has become the flagship of land developments in Carson City.

What is the name of the music concert in Carson City?

Carson City’s first fall multi-day music concert, Battle, Axe and Tracks, was recently announced. The company behind the event is a new one: E720, which has just appeared on the scene in Carson City.

When is the Carson City Library's summer learning challenge?

The Carson City Library will kick off its annual all-ages Summer Learning Challenge this Saturday, June 12, with a nature and animal-themed registration drop-in event in the library's outdoor garden area.

What happened to the Carson Nugget?

The suspects instructed the victim to get out of his vehicle to which the victim complied due to concerns for his safety. One of the two suspects drove away in the victim’s vehicle.

How old was the woman who died in Carson City?

Circumstances surrounding the death of a 29-year-old Carson City woman who was discovered in a vehicle last month next to Northern Nevada Correctional Center remains under investigation, said Sheriff Ken Furlong.

When is the Silver State lecture 2021?

The Carson City Historical Society presents a free lecture on "The Silver State on the Silver Screen" by Nevada film critic and author Robin Holabird on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom.
