who i have had the privilege of taking a course from

by Dr. Bella Williamson 4 min read

Do you have the right to have privilege?

You didn’t choose to have privilege any more than the person next to you chose to not have it. Your possession of privilege is simply your lot in life, and you certainly have the right to feel grateful for it.

Do I get any scores in the privilege test?

No. the privilege test is not a contest. So, you do not get any scores in the results. The primary goal is to show whether or not you are a privileged person. Do I have to know my rights to take it?

What are some examples of class privilege?

Let's take some examples to illustrate how class privilege works and how it impacts people's lives. Mary is from an upper class family and attended an Ivy League school. She graduated from college and immediately secured a job at a high-powered consulting firm.

What is white privilege and class privilege?

For instance, white privilege refers to the benefits of being a white person in white-dominant countries like the USA. Here are some other categorizations. Class privilege points out the gap between chances and opportunities each social class has.

What is a faculty grievance?

Faculty grievance is a grievance against an action, judged by a faculty member to be unjust or unfair, that affects directly and adversely academic freedom, economic conditions, professional status , or some other circumstance of employment . Included among such grievances are disputes relating to the interpretation of an appointment letter, enforcement of university policies governing faculty conduct, and decisions such as assignment of academic duties. The most immediate appeal in case of a faculty grievance should be made to the appropriate university official. If this appeal fails to remedy the situation, then a further appeal should be directed to higher-level officials. Thus, if the department chair cannot resolve the dispute, the appeal should go to the appropriate dean, and, if that also fails, to the provost. If none of these appeals is successful, then a faculty member may file a grievance. Grievances are handled by the Appeals and Grievances Committee of the Faculty Senate, following the Faculty Senate Rules for Appeals and Grievances. This committee will hear two kinds of cases: appeals concerning whether proper university procedures have been followed (for example, in decisions on promotion and tenure) and grievances regarding any matter of concern (except decisions on promotion and tenure, which are subject only to procedural appeals). After hearing the case, the committee will submit a report with recommendations to the president with a copy to the speaker of the Faculty Senate and to the appellant or grievant. If the grievance is not resolved by this process, the faculty member may request a formal hearing as outlined in Procedure for Investigating Accusations.

What is academic tenure?

Academic tenure protects faculty members from being dismissed for teaching, researching, or inquiring into areas that might be politically or commercially controversial. The process of exploring and expanding the frontiers of knowledge often challenges the established order. Tenure is valuable not merely as a protection for individual faculty members but also as an assurance to society that the pursuit of truth and knowledge commands the faculty's first priority. The privileges of tenure include: (a) continued employment as an associate professor or professor until voluntary retirement or resignation, with the possible exception of dismissal for cause or termination due to the discontinuation or reduction of a program, (b) equitable compensation and benefits, (c) continued institutional support for teaching and scholarship, and (d) continued involvement in the academic mission of the university.

What is the role of faculty in the Honor Code?

That code provides a fair and university-sanctioned way to review claims of academic misconduct by students. If faculty members suspect a violation of the honor code, they should report the suspected violation to the Honor Council as described on its website ( http://honor.rice.edu/ ).The Honor Council's website provides a useful overview of the Honor Council's procedures, as well as faculty members' role in the process. According to the Honor System Constitution, all faculty are responsible for communicating to their class the specific Honor Code policy for each assignment through the syllabus or on the assignment itself.

Why is tenure offered?

Because tenure is a privilege with the purpose of protecting academic freedom, it is offered after extremely careful deliberation and only to those faculty members who have demonstrated an unusual capacity for a lifetime of scholarship, teaching, and service.

What should faculty members do?

Faculty members should demonstrate ethical behavior in their professional dealings with students, colleagues, staff, and persons outside the university. As teachers, they should encourage the free pursuit of learning, holding to the best scholarly and ethical standards of their disciplines.

What is the ideal of a university?

A university is characterized by the spirit of free inquiry, its ideal being that of Socrates -- to follow the argument where it leads... . It is the business of a university to provide that atmosphere which is most conducive to speculation, experiment, and creation.

Can faculty members employ students?

Faculty should see their departmental coordinators for information on work/study or other programs that support students while they work within the university. In some cases, there may be opportunities to give students course credit in place of monetary rewards for appropriate academic efforts.

When will white privilege be gone?

White privilege will be gone when there is equal representation of all peoples within all government positions and corporations. White privilege will no longer exist when the damage of history no longer affects how we think and how we perceive others, for it is embedded in our TV, our magazines, our government.

When your narrative is one that reduces all of western racial relations to power politics, is it transparent?

When your narrative is one that reduces all of western racial relations to power politics, a transparent push for power by claiming to be oppressed while attending one of the elite schools in the wealthiest nation on Earth is inevitable. What’s more interesting is the white people who push this stuff.

Is there any evidence of white privilege?

Fact: there is no evidence of “white privilege” that anyone can quantify. Fact: there are no laws or statutes left in America that are written or enforced to exclude people based on race/gender – accept, of course, white men (affirmative action) which is the only gov’t sanctioned form of racism left in America.

Is slavery a sin?

I think this is talking about slavery, which yes, I think of as a sin and yes, which is based on identity. You, because of yours, will be enslaved and you, because of yours, can either own them or aspire to own them. There are many other identity-rooted sins just in this country.

Is white privilege being dismantled?

Teaching their course at this fraught moment in American race relations, from the influence of white nationalist Richard Spencer in the Trump administration to the Black Lives Matter movement, Montagno says white privilege today isn’t “being dismantled; it’s being confronted.”.

What is privilege in society?

In the case of societal privilege, the benefits aren’t necessarily given out, but rather exist as a result of the conditions a person is born into.

Why do we check our privileges?

Because after all, more rights for others doesn’t mean fewer rights for you. This is what it means when you are told to “check your privilege.”. You are being told to consider where you fit on the privilege scale in relation to those around you and to care about those who are less fortunate.

Is it okay to have privilege?

The first thing you should do is understand that it’s okay to have privilege. You didn’t choose to have privilege any more than the person next to you chose to not have it. Your possession of privilege is simply your lot in life, and you certainly have the right to feel grateful for it.

1. You Woke Up Well Rested

I had a routine when I was working full-time that netted me six to eight hours of sleep each night.

2. You Paid for Convenience

You’re running late, so you scrap your plan to make coffee and run to Starbucks instead. You’re working late hours, so you pay a little extra for Instacart delivery to grab groceries for dinner. You’re applying for jobs and going to interviews, so you hire a sitter. It’s late and you’re hungry, so you order take-out.

3. You Called in Sick

For a lot of full-time, salaried workers, calling in sick is a matter of picking up the phone.

4. You Used Your Car or Took Reliable Public Transit

I recently moved out to Los Angeles, where I drive my own car around like a fancy pants to do errands, go to meetings, and buy In-N-Out.

5. You Got Paid for All Your Hours at Work

Luckily, most of us can reasonably count on being paid on time and at the rate we agreed on.

6. You Bought Fresh, Healthy Food at the Grocery Store

There are a lot of groceries stores in my neighborhood, and all of them carry fresh produce.

What is privilege quiz?

It is a set of questions about amenities, comforts, chances, and problems you have had in your life. The goal of any privilege quiz is to determine how benefited you are compared to others. Of course, it is not meant to judge you for things you have or vice versa. However, the questions remind you of your social status and how it compares to ...

What does it mean when you give back on privilege test?

Give Back. If the privilege test says you are an advantaged person, do not feel bad. It does not mean you are spoiled or anything like that. However, it shows you have some potential opportunities that others might not get in life.

How many points do you get for each yes and no?

You have to answer with yes and no to all the queries to get the results. You get 1 point for each “yes” and 0 points for each “no.”. The goal of the said quiz is to help youth become aware of their rights. It also points out the fact that some people are not able to live a normal life just because they are different.

Why are some people not able to live a normal life?

It also points out the fact that some people are not able to live a normal life just because they are different. During the Civil Rights Movement, one of the aspirations was to emphasize systematic inequality in society. The 12 questions of the Civil Rights Museum have the same approach.

What is the relationship between white privilege and white guilt?

The Relationship Between Privilege and White Guilt. White privilege is the idea that white people should be responsible for what happens to minorities. However, the privilege test on this page has nothing to do with white guilt promotion.

Is it right or privilege to drive a car?

Right VS. Privilege. A “right” is something that you must have, and no one can take it from you. However, privilege shows your power to exercise your rights. For instance, driving a car is your right (as long as you respect the laws). But having a car to drive is a privilege. Many people love to drive.

Is being privileged a bad thing?

No, it is not. Being a privileged person is not a bad thing. Most of the time, you did not choose to be a part of the benefited group. However, it is not okay to use your advantages against others.

Being Able To Choose Your Relationships

Once upon a not-so-long-ago, your most intimate relationships were essentially chosen for you. Or, maybe more significantly now, you were limited to the very tiny pool of the people you knew in the neighborhood, at school or with whom your parents essentially wanted to trade possessions.

Feeling Uncertainty And Discomfort

It means you're in a place in your life where you actually have the ability to evaluate what could be better and then how you could change it. If you were so consumed by survival and your essential needs, you wouldn't worry about uncertainty or discomfort. You'd act.

Having Lost Someone You Loved

Do I even have to explain this one? It means you loved someone enough to lose them, to miss them and mourn them and feel like some part of your life is missing. Too many people go through their whole existence surfing, searching, praying and begging for a love like that. You already had it. Nothing lasts forever.

Knowing Where Your Next Meal Is Coming From

If in the past month you haven't worried about this, you're privileged in comparison to more people in the world than you could probably comprehend.

The Ability To Read This

Of the simple things we glaze over and take for granted, perhaps reading is the top contender.

A Family Who Cares About You

Having a family who you love and who cares about you puts you in a shockingly small percentage of the population. Everybody has a family, not everybody has one they actually want to be in. Never take that for granted. People go years trying to seek the parental love they never got in just about anything else.

One Good Friend

People claim to want cliques of friends that host dinner parties and pepper their conversations with pop culture references, and while that's fun and blearily ideal, it's not real intimacy. Most people just want one (maybe two?) people who they can call at any hour, for anything.
