who created and developed the wheels in motion course? quizlet

by Ron Block 9 min read

Who developed and created the wheels in motion course?

David Bruce conceived the idea for DefensiveDriving.com after a minor fender-bender with a Volvo in June 1998. Needing to keep the traffic ticket off his record, and as a busy individual with an active lifestyle, Mr. Bruce searched for an online alternative to the traditional classroom based defensive driving courses.

How many attempts do you have to pass the wheels in motion exam?

3 opportunitiesYou have 3 opportunities to pass the exam at no extra charge.

What percentage of drivers who have crashed after falling asleep at the wheel say they did not detect any signs of drowsiness prior to the crash?

When you are driving you can count on symptoms like yawning or nodding of the head to give you warning that you are about to fall asleep. False; About half of drivers who survived a drowsy driving crash reported than their bodies gave them no warnings at all before they fell asleep. You just studied 24 terms!

How much does the death of one employee cost an employer?

The average cost per worker death was $1.15 million, while the average cost per medically consulted injury was $39,000. Approximately 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported by private industry employers annually, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Who most often falls asleep while driving defensive driving?

Who Most Often Falls Asleep While Driving? Men are 5 times more likely than women to be involved in fatigue-related accidents. In 82% of drowsy driving crashes, the driver was alone in the vehicle.

What country refers to a person who controls?

12/22: Which country refers to a person who controls politics behind the scenes as a "prime minister in black"? Answer: Japan. What English word did the initial "do" in the Japanese "dokyuu", or massive, originate from? Answer: dreadnought.Mar 26, 2021

Is it a crime to fall asleep while driving?

There is No Law Against Falling Asleep While Driving, but That Does Not Mean it is Legal. Believe it or not, there is no law in California – or in any other state – that prohibits falling asleep while driving.Nov 27, 2020

What's micro napping?

Microsleep definition. Microsleep refers to periods of sleep that last from a few to several seconds. People who experience these episodes may doze off without realizing it. Some may have an episode in the middle of performing an important task. It can occur anywhere, such as at work, at school, or while watching TV.

Why do I randomly fall asleep?

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects your ability to wake and sleep. People with narcolepsy have excessive, uncontrollable daytime sleepiness. They may also suddenly fall asleep at any time, during any type of activity.Nov 15, 2021

What percentage of roadside litter flies out of trucks?

85% of littering is the result of individual attitudes. Motorists generate 53% of litter in the U.S. roadways each year. Almost 29% of truck drivers are aware of unsecured trash flying out of their truck beds.Dec 29, 2021

What is the bump bump bump technique?

The “bump, bump, bump” technique involves only steering and doesn't require any braking or acceleration whatsoever. This technique will move your vehicle one lane over, quickly and safely. Start with your hands at the nine and three position on the steering wheel.

What distance does a train need to stop traveling at 50 mph?

C. A 150-car freight train traveling at 50 miles per hour takes 8,000 feet to stop. That's one and a half miles.Dec 13, 2013