which would be the spllen first action in response to a deep knife wound in the leg course hero

by Antwan Frami III 9 min read

What is the spleens first action in response to a deep wound?

immune response is activated which would be the spleens first action in response to a deep knife wound in the leg? release red blood cells into circulation which of the following diseases suppresses the body's immune system?

How to give first aid to a knife wound victim?

1. Have the Victim Lie Down The crazy thing about knife wounds is that, because of adrenaline and extreme stress, knife victims don’t always notice their injuries until later. As the person administering first aid, you want to take advantage of this initial shock period and get the victim to lie down. Why? Because:

How long should you put pressure on a knife wound?

For example, if the knife wound is in the thigh, you will need to apply pressure to the femoral artery. 10 to 15 minutes of direct pressure should be enough to control the bleeding of most wounds you’d encounter in the backcountry.

Should you close a knife wound before going to the hospital?

Under normal circumstances where you can call 911 or go to the hospital, you should NEVER close a knife wound. This will trap bacteria and other contaminants in the wound, leading to infection. If you do close it, the nurses will just open it up for cleaning at the hospital.

What is the term for a delayed allergic reaction such as the reaction to poison ivy, triggered by?

elephantiasis. a delayed allergic reaction such as the reaction to poison ivy, triggered by T cells. contact dermatitis. an excessive reaction of the immune system to antigens from a different individual of the same species.

Which structure returns about 25% of the lymph from the body back to the blood?

structure that returns about 25% of the lymph from the body back to the blood. right lymphatic duct. part of the thoracic duct; serves as a storage area for lymph. cisterna chyli. a life-threatening allergic reaction caused by an antigen-antibody reaction. anaphylactic shock. an inappropriate response to self-antigens.

What chapter is Lymphatic?

Start studying Chapter 15-Lymphatic. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Why seal a knife wound?

It is critical for these types of knife wounds that you seal the wound ASAP to prevent air from getting into the lung. As MD Lawrence Heiskell says, this can be done by putting any of these over the wound:

What to do if knife wound is in leg?

For example, if the knife wound is in the leg, have the victim lie down and elevate the legs.

How much blood can you lose without a knife?

The body can usually lose 1 pint of blood without severe effects. A loss of 2 pints of blood will lead to shock. A loss of 5 to 6 pints of blood will cause death. ( Source) Here’s the scary thing: if the knife wound hits an artery, the rate of blood loss can be very fast.

Why do you need to apply pressure to a knife wound?

Applying pressure to the wound will help stem the flow of blood. In arterial bleeding cases, you will also want to apply pressure to the major artery leading to the wound. You will need to use both hands for this! For example, if the knife wound is in the thigh, you will need to apply pressure to the femoral artery.

Why do you need to clean a wound after bleeding?

Once the bleeding has stopped, you’ve got to get the wound clean to prevent infection. Cleaning a wound is always an essential part of first aid, but it is vital when you are far away from professional medical help.

How to prevent infection in wounds?

Apply Antibiotic Ointment. Apply copious amounts of antibiotic ointment (Amazon link) over the wound. Not only does this help prevent infection, but it also can help prevent the dressing from sticking to the wound. As Hartley Brody notes, antibiotic ointments are NOT a substitute for cleaning a wound.

How long does a wound stay open?

The wound penetrated through the entire skin (you’d be able to see underlying tissues) The wound has been open for less than 6 hours. The wound is over a joint or moving part of the body and won’t close by itself. The wound is gaping open and won’t be able to close without your intervention.
