which word most closely translates the japanese word "kami"? course hero

by Ms. Katelyn Dicki 6 min read

What is kami in Japanese?

kami, plural kami, object of worship in Shintō and other indigenous religions of Japan. The term kami is often translated as “god,” “lord,” or “deity,” but it also includes other forces of nature, both good and evil, which, because of their superiority or divinity, become objects of reverence and respect.

Is kami god in Japanese?

Kami is the Japanese word for a deity, divinity, or spirit. It has been used to describe mind (心霊), God (ゴッド), supreme being (至上者), one of the Shinto deities, an effigy, a principle, and anything that is worshipped.

What is an example of a kami?

In the most general sense, it refers to all divine beings of heaven and earth that appear in the classics. More particularly, the kami are the spirits that abide in and are worshipped at the shrines. In principle human beings, birds, animals, trees, plants, mountains, oceans - all may be kami.

Why is it called kami?

With steady growth came the opportunity to rebrand and begin a new chapter as Kami. Meaning “paper” in Japanese, the name Kami aligned with the team's vision to help users transition to paperless work.

What is kami Hiragana?

kami – 髪 (かみ) : a noun meaning 'hair' in Japanese.

Where are the kami?

Kami are particularly associated with nature and may be present at sites such as mountains, waterfalls, trees, and unusually shaped rocks.

What are kami quizlet?

kami. Spirits, deities, or essences found in both animate and inanimate objects that exist within the same world as people. They can be humanlike, animistic, or natural features or forces in the world (for example, mountains, rivers, trees, rocks, lightning, and wind)

Does kami mean paper?

Kami means paper and god in Japanese.

Who were the first kami of Japan?

There are seven generations of primordial creator kami who are said to have created the universe and populated it with things, before the creation of Japan and the first kami. The first generation of gods are called the "Kotoamatsukami," and was said to have consisted of five genderless gods.

How many Kami are there?

eight million kamiKami are the divine spirits or gods recognized in Shinto, the native religion of Japan. There are eight million kami—a number that, in traditional Japanese culture, can be considered synonymous with infinity.

When was Kami created?

In the Japanese jingi system, a hierarchy of deities was established and orders and classes of deities were set. For example, the classes of deities were divided into fifteen categories. One of the first records of assigning kami to a certain class is from the 7th century.

What does Kami mean in Indian?

Gender: Neutral. Origin: Indian. Meaning: Whose Desires Are Fulfilled.