which udemy node.js course do you recommend

by Hellen Powlowski 9 min read

Node JS: Advanced Concepts
This course is created by Stephen Grider, another awesome Udemy instructor and author of Modern React with the Redux course on Udemy, which is probably the best React and Redx course on Udemy. If you can connect with Stephen this you will love this course.

Why learn Node JS With Udemy?

Learning Node.js is a great way to get into backend web development, or expand your fullstack development practice. With Udemy’s hands-on Node.js courses, you can learn the concepts and applications of this wildly useful JavaScript runtime. Not sure?

What will I learn in this NodeJS course?

In this course you will gain a deep understanding of Node, learn how NodeJS works under the hood, and how that knowledge helps you avoid common pitfalls and drastically improve your ability to debug problems.

How are Udemy's courses good?

Udemy courses are mostly followed by project which helps a lot and also alot cheaper plus you can even print certificate from udemy and attach to your reseme for interview. How are Mosh Hamedani's courses good? They are incredible courses. Blindly purchase them I had already purchased many courses of him.

Why Node JS is the best choice for web development?

Because Node.Js uses JavaScript, there is a large pool of developers that understand and can code in the environment. It’s also a relatively simple environment for new team members to learn, making it an efficient choice for development teams with people that need training.

Which is the best node js course on udemy?

5 Best Udemy Node. js Programming Courses Online 20221 . The Complete Node. js Developer Course (3rd Edition)3 . Node JS: Advanced Concepts.4 . Node. js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2022.5 . Learn and Understand NodeJS.

Is node js worth learning 2020?

Yes, Learning Node. js is absolutely 100% Worth in 2020. Firstly, Node. JS is one of the most prominent JavaScript structures which emphatically relieves the work of any person building internet applications.

Is it worth learning node js in 2021?

Node. js is as relevant as ever and worth learning, especially if you are a JavaScript developer. Being a JavaScript developer gives you a headstart since you already know the language used in Node. Moreover, if you are a Front-end Developer, you can transition and become a Full-stack Developer by learning Node.

What is better to learn in 2020 go or node js?

Performance: Go delivers higher performance than Node. js. Scalability: While both Node. js and Golang help you to create scalable apps, Golang supports concurrency better.

Is NodeJS in demand 2022?

Node. js is one of the best JavaScript cross-platform environments to execute JavaScript codes outside a web browser. No wonder Node js jobs are in high demand and have been among the top jobs to check out in 2022.

Is NodeJS a good career?

Conclusions. Investing in JavaScript and Node. js programming skills is still a very good choice in 2020. The language is essential for web development, which is where a lot of the action is these days, and finding interesting job offers for Node.

Does Netflix use Node js?

Netflix initially used Node. js to enable high volume web streaming to over 182 million subscribers. Their three goals with this early infrastructure was to provide observability (metrics), debuggability (diagnostic tools) and availability (service registration). The result was the NodeQuark infrastructure.

Do big companies use Node js?

Here are the companies using Node. js: Netflix, NASA, Trello, PayPal, LinkedIn, Walmart, Uber, Twitter, Yahoo, eBay, GoDaddy, and got much better results. Quick Summary :- You might have heard how Node. js apps power businesses with high speed & performance.

Does Node js have future?

If you look at runtime and framework usage reported by programming groups, you'll see that Node. js remains one of the most desirable technologies for backend developers. Node's continued support from its rich community of developers makes it a technology that will last for several years to come.

Will NodeJS replace Python?

No, because Node. js works with JavaScript, and Python has CPython.

Is Python faster than NodeJS?

Python vs Node. As Node. js is based on fast and powerful Chrome's V8 engine, Node. js is faster than Python, and generally one of the fastest server-side solutions around.

Is Python better than NodeJS?

Node is better for web applications and website development whereas Python is best suitable for back-end applications, numerical computations and machine learning. Nodejs utilize JavaScript interpreter whereas Python uses CPython as an interpreter.

What is learning Node.js?

Learning Node.js is a great way to get into backend web development, or expand your fullstack development practice. With Udemy’s hands-on Node.js courses, you can learn the concepts and applications of this wildly useful JavaScript runtime.

Why is Node.js important?

Node.js is essential to developing real-time applications in JavaScript, and has been instrumental in the development of websites like eBay and PayPal. Node is designed around an event loop, which allows for easy management of asynchronous functions. This makes it a popular environment for modern developers working on chat and gaming apps.

1. Complete Express JS Framework in Nodejs Using Mongodb, SQL

This course claims to be the perfect one if you are in need of a complete node.js course. It delivers the advanced node.js concepts starting from the fundamentals of it. the entire know-how of node.js, deploying the application on the server, SQL, and NoSQL databases.

2. The Complete Node.Js Developer Course (3rd Edition)

The learning of node.js is implemented for creating real-life applications with node js, Express, Mongo DB, Jest, and much more. The fundamental understanding of Node.js and comprises improved tools like Express, Mongoose, and Mongo DB.

3. NodeJS – The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno)

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end, JavaScript runtime setting that implements JavaScript code external to a web browser. The learners are able to master node.js, deno.js, REST APIs, GraphQL APIs, use of Mongo DB, SQL, and such other related sectors.

4. NodeJS Tutorial and Projects Course

The program is more of a Node JS tutorial and project course. NodeJS is setting to run JavaScriptexternal of the Browser. NodeJS was created in 2009 and was constructed on top of Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine. Every browser has an engine, a tool that assembles the code down to machine code, and Chrome uses one by the name of V8.

5. Node.js, Express, MongoDB Bootcamp 2021 – with Real Projects

The course helps to understand about the using of Express JS framework with Node JS with real projects; the working of Node JS behind the scene; understanding the queries of Mongo DB; learning more about Node JS, Express, and MongoDB; rendering server-side websites using EJS template; using Mongoose with MongoDB with Real Employee Project; mastering authentication, file uploads, web scrapping, and deployment.

6. All about NodeJS

The learner can be assured of being able to create and deploy high-performance Node JS apps on Cloud; learn about ES6 with ECMAScript 6 Quick Bytes; use of Node JS streams to write a web server; use of Node Package Manager (NPM) for managing dependencies; how to use the EJS templating language; learn more about Mongo DB as a NoSQL database; creation and use of MongoDB Databases by means of MongoLab; generating Realtime apps which need to use web sockets, and the uploading and resizing of images with NodeJS.

8. Build NodeJS Applications with Mongodb

The full stack web applications are delivered along with NodeJS which is the most popular server-side framework.

What is NodeJS?

NodeJS is a rapidy growing web server technology, and Node developers are among the highest paid in the industry. Knowing NodeJS well will get you a job or improve your current one by enabling you to build high quality, robust web applications.

Is NodeJS hard to learn?

During it all you'll gain a deep understanding of the Javascript concepts and other computer science concepts that power Node. NodeJS doesn't have to be hard to learn. The biggest mistake most coding tutorials make is expecting someone to learn simply by imitating others' code.


Learn the Basics of Node.js, asynchronous JavaScript and promises, Node.js core modules, Node package manager basics, Express, API Development, MongoDB Driver, Sending Emails, Data Validation, Logging system, Password Hashing, Authentication and Authorization system, User Verification, Pagination and Using Environmental Variables.


Professional freelancer with years of experience in the web development field.

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