Key Takeaways Using REITs to invest in real estate can diversify your portfolio, but not all REITs are created equal. Some REITs invest directly in properties, earning rental income and management fees. Others invest in real estate debt, i.e. mortgages and mortgage-backed securities.
REITs generally own and/or manage income-producing commercial real estate, whether it's the properties themselves or the mortgages on those properties. You can invest in the companies individually, through an exchange-traded fund, or with a mutual fund.
5 Types of REITs and How to Invest in Them 1 Retail REITs. Approximately 24% of REIT investments are in shopping malls and freestanding retail. ... 2 Residential REITs. These are REITs that own and operate multi-family rental apartment buildings as well as manufactured housing. 3 Healthcare REITs. ... 4 Office REITs. ... 5 Mortgage REITs. ...
Not too many people have the ability to go out and purchase a piece of commercial real estate in order to generate passive income, however, REITs offer the general public the capability to do exactly this.
According to the Securities and Exchange Commission, a REIT must invest at least 75% of its assets in real estate and cash, and obtain at least 75% of gross income from sources such as rent and mortgage interest. 5.
Like any investment, it's important that they have good profits, strong balance sheets and as little debt as possible , especially the short-term kind.
Office REITs invest in office buildings. They receive rental income from tenants who have usually signed long-term leases. Four questions come to mind for anyone interested in investing in an office REIT
Another potential issue with REITs is their sensitivity to interest rates. Generally, when the Federal Reserve raises interest rates in an attempt to tighten up spending, REIT prices fall. Furthermore, there are property specific risks to different types of REITs.
Real estate investment trusts own and/or manage income-producing commercial real estate, whether it's the properties themselves or the mortgages on those properties. 1 You can invest in the companies individually, through an exchange-traded fund, or with a mutual fund. There are many types of REITs available.
As with all investments, REITs have their advantages and disadvantages. One of the biggest benefits REITs have to offer is their high-yield dividends. REITs are required to pay out 90% of taxable income to shareholders; thus REIT dividends are often much higher than the average stock on the S&P 500. 5.
Mortgage REITs. Approximately 10% of REIT investments are in mortgages as opposed to the real estate itself. 3 The best known but not necessarily the greatest investments are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, government-sponsored enterprises that buy mortgages on the secondary market.