which statement would be the strongest cause of bias in the discussion course hero

by Dr. Alexys Wisozk III 5 min read

Why are some critics of the error theory claiming it false?

One way we can reduce bias in research and reporting is make the researcher aware of potential bias; plan before you conduct research and follow a few points to help you along the way: 1. Don’t not ask the wrong questions; 2. Don’t survey the wrong people; 3. don’t exclude potential respondents; and 4. don’t misinterpret your data results.

Which statement best explains Bruno's feelings for charming?

Jul 08, 2019 · Discussion Question Six Brief summary or statement involving a type of bias, other than research bias, that you may have committed, Then, explain why you think it presents bias. Bias is any trend or deviation from the truth in data collection, data analysis, interpretation and publication which can cause false conclusions. Bias can occur either intentionally or …

What is the most serious objection to the ideal observer theory?

Ethical Application In discussion board 2 the theory I defended as the strongest ethical theory was Divine Command Theory my reasoning being that God’s word should be the guidebook of how we live ethically and to apply his word when faced with making ethical decisions instead of relying on our own personal choices of what we think is ethical or moral.

What will Brandon's compliment to Denise most likely be interpreted as?

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What is the paradox of hedonism?

The Paradox of Hedonisim is the idea that the more you pursue happiness the more it will elude you. Those who seek only happiness and fixate on aquiring it, are bound to be dissapointed. If you look for pleasure , chances are you won't find it. Pleasure will come to you when you are not looking for it.

What is the harm principle?

The harm principle states that the only actions that can be prevented are ones that create harm. In other words, a person can do whatever he wants as long as his actions do not harm others. Says that you should not interfere with the lives of others, the exception being if they are bringing harm to others.

What is descriptive ethics?

Descriptive ethics aims to describe peoples beliefs, claims and behaviors. Normative ethics uses judgement and attempts to evaluation if actions and things are in fact good or bad, and what it takes in fact to be a good or bad person.

What is hypothetical imperative?

Hypothetical imperatives are decisions that depend on the situation and one's own desires. If someone decides on a maxim, like the store owner saying, "I will not steal from my customers, because I will lose them.". She is deciding depending on the situation what the smart thing would be.

Is categorical imperative universal?

The categorical imperative can only be universal in an ideal situation where everyone would follow a maxim. There is no way everyone all people, in all places, at all times would agree to following the categorical imperative in an actual situation.

What is the difference between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism?

Explain the difference between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism. Rule utilitarianism draws up general rules based on the utlity princciple. Rule utilitarianism says that as long as an action conforms to a rule that leads to the greatest good, then it is moral. Based on past experience.

What is the problem of induction?

Induction is the idea that you can take past experiences and use those to draw a conclusion about what will happen in the future. How do past experiences give us any reason to believe that future experiences will be the same.