which pr strategy finally, over the course of a decade, helped it patch up its reputation?quizlet

by Adrien Jast 8 min read

Is the public relations function at a juncture of crisis?

The public relations function stands at a critical and defining juncture: whether to become an ethics counselor to top management or to remain outside the realm of the strategic decision making core. How we choose to respond to the crisis of trust among our publics will define the public relations of the future.

What was the first company to focus more on personalization advertising?

Sears was the first company to focus more on personalization by advertising through direct mail. When they launched their massive direct mail campaign in 1892 with 8,000 postcards, it produced 2,000 new orders. Then came the “Golden Age,” where advertising personalization began to take off even more...

What is a public relations chapter?

Chapters are heavily based in current public relations theory and research, but often include implications for practice.

What is the best book on public relations and Communication Management?

Dozier, D. M., Grunig, L. A., & Grunig, J. E. (1995). Manager’s guide to excellence in public relations and communication management. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Eisenberg, E. M., & Riley, P. (2001).

What are the best PR strategies?

Below are some effective public relations strategies that will help guide you to success.Know Your Audiences. ... Get Organized. ... Think like a reporter. ... Do your Research. ... Work with a Team. ... Enhances Your Online Presence. ... Know your Competition. ... Create compelling content.More items...•

What are the 4 types of PR?

What are the different types of PR?Strategic communications. Every action that is undertaken by a PR professional should fall under strategic communication. ... Media relations. ... Community relations. ... Internal communications. ... Crisis communications. ... Public Affairs. ... Online and social media communications.

What is the reputation of PR?

What is Reputation PR? Reputation PR can be defined as proactively using public relations to protect or improve your online reputation. This is different from traditional PR in that it focuses solely on building a good reputation, not just getting your name mentioned in mainstream media.

What are the strategic approaches in PR?

The interaction of these two dimensions results in four distinct approaches: defensive, responsive, assertive, and collaborative (see Figure 7.4 "The Contingency Approach to Public Relations Strategy").

What are the 3 types of public relations?

Typical roles in public relationsMedia relations. Media relations is all about dealing with the media – writing press releases, scheduling interviews and giving press conferences. ... Community relations. ... Corporate and social responsibility. ... Public affairs. ... Crisis management. ... Employee relations.

How many types of PR are there?

seven typesPublic affairs communications also involves community relations and strategic communications. But for the purpose of this guide, there are essentially seven types of PR.

What is reputation campaign?

Reputation marketing is the promotion, monitoring, and acquisition of positive brand content, such as reviews, social media comments, online forums, and traditional press.

What is reputation management theory?

Reputation management operates by aligning the perception of the community of interested parties with the identity of the individual or company. For an online reputation management company like Reputation X, this includes SEO and other tactics that deal with online resources.

What are the sources of reputation?

What are the sources of reputation risk?Product or service faults or shortcomings (sometimes made more prominent by television programmes and newspaper features that invite and publicise consumer grievances);Customers selecting alternative products due to an increased focus on buying from ethical suppliers;More items...

Why is PR strategy important?

A PR strategy enables you to consider every aspect of communicating a message in the best possible way. It will also help you to maximise the success of your PR efforts and gain the most appropriate media coverage.

What is media relations strategy?

By definition, media relations strategy is the calculated deployment of media to tell an organization's story. It is the process of figuring out a message and distributing it to the right media sources so that you can reach your target market.

What is a PR and comms strategy?

A communications strategy outlines how you will deliver your business plan from a marcomms perspective. It focuses on what you are going to say, to whom and when you will say it and is the key to nailing communication with your target audience.

Which medium has the biggest impact on the history of advertising and advertising personalization?

The one medium that’s had the biggest impact on the history of advertising and advertising personalization is the internet, and its ability to collect billions of data points on users. For starters, Facebook alone has 98 personal data points on its 2.2 billion users, totaling 215.6 billion data points. Even more impressive is Google.

When was personalization introduced?

Personalization took another big leap in 1930 when Rosser Reeves introduced the idea of a unique selling proposition. Since a USP (aka unique value proposition) describes how your business will solve a customer’s problem, it should be very specific and highly personalized to differentiate your brand.

Why is hyper targeting important?

Hyper-targeting is critical because if digital advertisers can access data points like these, but also birthdays, marital status, family composition, occupation, type of car owned, etc. -- then the ads people see will be more relevant to them. Build personalized landing pages with Instapage ➔.

What is the evolution of advertising?

The evolution includes the post-click stage. The evolution of advertising has experienced some major milestones over the years, as it’s had to adapt and change to suit new mediums and audiences constantly. Most significantly, it’s become much more personalized throughout history. The one medium that’s had the biggest impact on the history ...

When was advertising invented?

The evolution of advertising: the very beginning. Although the very first signs of advertising are said to date back to the ancient Egyptians’ steel carvings in 2000 BC, the first print ad was published in 1472 when William Caxton printed ads for a book and tacked them to church doors in England:

What was the golden age of advertising?

This was called the “ Golden Age of Advertising ” -- a time of big ideas and huge personalities during the 1960s through the late 1980s. Companies began building characters around their products to establish more of a connection between viewers and brands.

When did the first billboards start?

Then, in 1835, the first U.S. billboards displayed circus posters measuring over 50 sq. ft.: Sears was the first company to focus more on personalization by advertising through direct mail. When they launched their massive direct mail campaign in 1892 with 8,000 postcards, it produced 2,000 new orders.

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When was the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice created?

The US Congress created the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice in 1901 to include representatives from the NRA, National Guard, and United States military services. A program of annual rifle and pistol competitions was authorized, and included a national match open to military and civilian shooters.

Who proposed the National Rifle Association?

A few months after the Civil War began in 1861, a national rifle association was proposed by Americans in England. In a letter that was sent to President Abraham Lincoln and published in The New York Times, R.G. Moulton and R.B. Perry recommended forming an organization similar to the British National Rifle Association, which had formed a year and a half earlier. They suggested making a shooting range, perhaps on the base on Staten Island, and were offering Whitworth rifles for prizes for the first shooting competition with those rifles. They suggested a provisional committee to start the Association which would include: President Lincoln, Secretary of War, officers, and other prominent New Yorkers.

What was the NRA's position on Proposition H?

In November 2005, the NRA and other gun advocates filed a lawsuit challenging San Francisco Proposition H, which banned the ownership and sales of firearms. The NRA argued that the proposition overstepped local government authority and intruded into an area regulated by the state. The San Francisco County Superior Court agreed with the NRA position. The city appealed the court's ruling, but lost a 2008 appeal. In October 2008, San Francisco was forced to pay a $380,000 settlement to the National Rifle Association and other plaintiffs to cover the costs of litigating Proposition H.

Executive Summary

  • The central purpose of this article is to provide an overview of ethics in public relations. I review the evolution of public relations ethics, the current state of practice, and the thoughts of ethicists. Definitions will be provided and key areas of evolution and debate within the field will be addressed. Implications for practitioners are discus...
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Defining Ethics

  • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy explains: “The field of ethics, also called moral philosophy, involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior” (http://www.iep.utm.edu/e/ethics.htm). Definitions of ethics normally have in common the elements of requiring some form of systematic analysis, distinguishing right from wrong, an…
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Is There Such A Thing as Public Relations Ethics?

  • Current research supports a historical trend of associating public relations with all things unethical – lying, spin-doctoring, and even espionage. Many critics argue that there can be no ethical public relations because the practice itself is akin to manipulation and propaganda. An unfortunate belief among many journalists, policy makers, and laymen is the belief that the term …
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Evolution of Public Relations Ethics

  • In the US, early public relations practices introduced many ethical concerns because the press agentry (J. E. Grunig & Hunt, 1984) approach prevalent then emphasized hyperbole, sensationalism, and often lacked truth. The so-called “father of public relations,” Edward Bernays, called this time period of 1850-1905 “the public be damned era” (Cutlip et al., 2006). Press agent…
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Current State of Ethics in Public Relations: Codes of Ethics

  • The current state of ethics in public relations practice depends heavily on codes of ethics held by the major professional associations. Membership in these groups is voluntary, meaning that one is not required to belong to such an association in order to practice public relations. Members agree to abide by a code of ethics that is written for the entire group. Some codes of ethics are …
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Findings of Current Research on Public Relations Ethics

  • Suspicion of corporations, corporate executives, and a general mistrust of business in the minds of the public grew in two waves. The first of these was the late 1960’s in which issues management was formed in reaction to these pressures as a process in which corporations could better understand, anticipate, and proactively manage issues of public concern. The second wav…
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Ethics Study and Training: Troubling Findings

  • A few of the IABC study’s findings on ethics also warrant concern for those on an upwardly-mobile career path. The majority of participants reported that they had little if any academic training or study of ethics. 30% said they had no academic ethics study of any kind, and another 40% of the practitioners in the study said they had “a few lectures or reading on ethics,” as shown in the pie …
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Pushing The Frontiers in Public Relations Ethics

  • To answer the demand for ethics training from the professional front, training in ethical decision making is being offered by some employers, universities, and professional associations. Only recently have public relations scholars incorporated a substantial amount of moral philosophy into the body of knowledge we know as communication. The inclusion of this scholarly literatur…
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Practical Recommendations and Guidelines For Practitioners

  • This review of current, cutting-edge, and historical research in public relations ethics is worth little if public relations professionals do not implement ethical analyses in their daily practice. We can contribute to more socially responsible and credible organizations, but only if we take the steps necessary to make our voices heard in the dominant coalition. Public relations professionals sh…
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  • The ability to engage in ethical reasoning in public relations is growing in demand, in responsibility, and in importance. Academic research, university and continuing education, and professional practice are all attending more than ever to matters of ethics. The public relations function stands at a critical and defining juncture: whether to become an ethics counselor to to…
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The Evolution of Advertising: The Very Beginning

Although the very first signs of advertising are said to date back to the ancient Egyptians’ steel carvings in 2000 BC, the first print ad was published in 1472 when William Caxton printed ads for a book and tacked them to church doors in England: Fast forward to 1704, the first newspaper ad was published in the U.S.: Then, in 1…
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The “Golden Age of Advertising”

  • Advertising became a whole movement when it came to radio and television in the early 1900s. Since it was speaking to people directly through their radios and TVs, it felt more personalized. Advertising first hit the radio in 1922. Radio host H.M. Blackwell created his own “indirect direct” method -- a 10-minute talk about the virtues of living a c...
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Online Advertising

  • This next period was known for introducing new channels and mediums and a drastic shift in motive. Rather than selling,the evolution of ads lead to a focus on brand awareness and problem-solving. What is the consumer’s problem, and how can the product solve it? Now the product was no longer the centerpiece of the ad -- the consumer was. This all started when internet usage to…
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The Evolution of Mobile Advertising

  • The first mobile ad showed up in 2000 when a Finnish news provider sent free news headlines via SMS. This led to more experimental mobile ads and mobile marketing initiatives down the road. When the original iPhone was released in 2007, mobile advertising came to smartphones. However, still new to the medium, advertisers would simply reformat their desktop ads for mobil…
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The Evolution of Advertising Includes The Post-Click Stage

  • Advertising has experienced many changes from the ancient Egyptian etchings to print ads, to the Golden Age, to today -- where highly-targeted, personalized online ads are the only way to succeed in today’s marketing world. Show ads and promote ideas that people want to see and hear. Because the more people don’t see your content as an “ad,” the more they’ll be attracted to it, en…
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