which perspective 2-5 course hero

by Lyla Beer DVM 7 min read

What is Freud's theory of free association?

Freud and psychoanalytic theory. Sigmund Freud originated the psychoanalytic approach based on his experiences in his psychiatric practice and developed a technique called free association, which requires a patient to relax and report everything that comes to mind no matter how trivial or how strange it might seem.

What is the role of the ego in a child's development?

During a child's development, the ego strategically uses defense mechanisms to deal with the anxiety produced by conflicting impulses from the id (operating on the pleasure principle) and the superego (using internalized representation of the parents' value system). Defense mechanisms include

What is the meaning of displacement?

displacement, directing impulses toward a less threatening or more acceptable person or object. regression, retreating to an earlier stage of development. sublimation, rechanneling of unacceptable impulses into acceptable activities. denial, refusing to perceive reality, acting as if something did not happen.

What is the process of children passing through a psychosexual stage?

Children pass through a series of psychosexual stages during which the id seeks pleasure from body areas, erogenous zones, that change during development. If children have difficulty passing through a particular stage, they are said to have become fixated. Fixation at the phallic stage may create an Oedipus complex for a boy (jealousy of a son toward his father in competing for his mother's attention) or an Electra complex for a girl (who competes with her mother for her father's attention). Children resolve these conflicts by identifying with the parent of the same gender.

What is personality theory?

Personality can be defined as an individual's characteristic pattern of feeling, thinking, and acting. Theorists view personality from several diverse perspectives. Psychodynamic theories, descended from the work of Sigmund Freud, emphasize the importance of unconscious mental forces. Freud and psychoanalytic theory.

What is the superego?

The superego, a third structure, emerges as children reach 4 or 5 and internalize the morals of parents and society. The superego acts as a voice of conscience and operates mostly at the preconscious level of awareness. People also possess and are driven by a psychological energy called the libido.

What did Freud believe about the mind?

Freud believed that the mind is like an iceberg, mostly hidden (Figure ), and that free association would ultimately let a patient retrieve memories from the unconscious, memories not ordinarily available because they are threatening in some way. Conscious awareness (the visible part of the iceberg) floats above the surface.
