which of these actions would be protected by the first amendment course hero

by Eulah Mayert MD 5 min read

Which of the following is a form of speech protected by the first Amendment?

Political speechEven though we want to protect a person's ability to express their opinion, there are some extreme cases where opinions will not be protected speech. Correct! Political speech is the most highly protected type of speech under the First Amendment.

What kind of speech does the first Amendment protect quizlet?

any form of expression: can be spoken, written, artistic, etc. What types of speech are NOT protected by the 1st Amendment? obscenity, defamation, libel, slander, fighting words, and inciting violence.

What is the purpose of the free exercise clause?

The Free Exercise Clause protects citizens' right to practice their religion as they please, so long as the practice does not run afoul of a "public morals" or a "compelling" governmental interest.

Which of the following is protected by the First Amendment quizlet?

The basic rights protected by the First Amendment were freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the right to petition.

What rights does the 1st Amendment protect?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Which of the following does the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment protect quizlet?

prohibits government from interfering with the practice of religion.

Does the First Amendment protect human sacrifice?

U.S., 1878), the First Amendment would not protect the practice of human sacrifice even if some religion required it. In other words, while the freedom to believe is absolute, the freedom to act on those beliefs is not.

What is the Free Exercise Clause quizlet?

Terms in this set (5) Free Exercise Clause. - Freedom of Religion. - Congress can't interfere with people's religions or practices because of that religion, but governments can regulate "actions"


The answer to this question is Citizens protesting in a public space outside the governor's mansion.

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The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the Constitution of the United States prohibits the creation of any law with respect to the official establishment of a religion, which prevents the free practice of the same, that reduces the freedom of expression, that violates the freedom of press, which interferes with the right of peaceful assembly or that prohibits requesting compensation for governmental grievances.

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