which of the retention processes does a well-done lecture have the most impact on? course hero

by Ms. Susana Beier 3 min read

What is the retention rate of a typical lecture?

Long term retention rates of a typical lecture, where an individual merely stands in front of people and talks is considered to be around 5%. However, if people get actively involved and collaborate with others his or her retention rate dramatically increases.

How does being actively involved increase retention rate?

However, if people get actively involved and collaborate with others his or her retention rate dramatically increases. The difference in retention between passive and active (participatory) methods may be due to the extent of reflection and deep cognitive processing.

How to promote employee retention process?

Below are the different ideas to Promote Employee Retention Process: #1. The environment of the bond at work A bond that a team shares with each other and their own employees is one of the biggest factors that keeps the satisfaction high and keeps the employee retention process.

What is customer retention and why is it important?

Customer retention is the collection of activities a business uses to increase the number of repeat customers and to increase the profitability of each existing customer. Try Shopify for free, and explore all the tools and services you need to start, run, and grow your business.

How many decisions should a trainee make in a game?

C) To be effective games should require trainees to make a minimum of six decisions.

Is the solution as important as the understanding of the advantages and disadvantages that go along with the solution?

D) The solution is not as important as the understanding of the advantages and disadvantages that go along with the solution .

What is the least effective method of retention?

Based on the research, the least effective method would be a lecture . Long term retention rates of a typical lecture, where an individual merely stands in front of people and talks is considered to be around 5%. However, if people get actively involved and collaborate with others his or her retention rate dramatically increases. The difference in retention between passive and active (participatory) methods may be due to the extent of reflection and deep cognitive processing.

What are the bottom three levels of the learning pyramid?

In contrast, the bottom three levels (discussion group, practice by doing and teach others are participatory (active) learning methods. The Learning Pyramid clearly illustrates that active participation in the learning process results in a higher retention of learning.

How to improve retention rate?

If it is becoming a rather rampant thing at your organization, make sure to check up on the kind of work environment that your workplace has. If you can deliver well the guidance and nurturing care that an employee looks for, it makes you a better senior to work under.

When you hire a well trained employee, do you provide them with training?

When you hire a well-trained employee, make sure you provide them with any more needed training from time to time. It is not just an investment in their career, but also for your own firm. It gives a good impression on the employee to see that their employers are interested in their career and the kind of work they do also see improvement post the training, which is good for both the firm and the employees. Thus, be open-minded about providing training and skill strengthening classes whenever necessary.

Is turnover good for the company?

Turnover is highly reinvigorating and refreshing, but too much turnover can cause a brain drain and naturally, that’s not good for the company’s health. Advice keeps the balance straight and tries every bid to keep the turnover less than 15 percent.

What is customer retention?

Customer retention is the collection of activities a business uses to increase the number of repeat customers and to increase the profitability of each existing customer.

Why is it important to handwrite something?

When something is handwritten, it shows your customer you’ve taken the time to address them personally. This attention to detail will help you stand out from the deluge of automated receipts and one-size-fits-all order confirmation emails. These considerations go a long way and can potentially create a loyal customer for life.

Should you ignore retention?

In general, as you move to the right across this matrix you should start focusing more and more on retention. But remember, you should never ignore one or the other. It's about finding a balance that makes the most sense for your business.