which of the follwoing statement is true about the elements of a paragrpah is true course hero

by Payton Mitchell 3 min read

What are the three types of true or false paragraphs?

true Paragraphs have three classifications: exemplary, natural, and denotative (true or false) false the best method to use in a paragraph if the writer wants to convince the reader before he reaches the topic sentence is to use particular to general order (true or false)

Which is an accurate statement about paragraphs?

They are always indented. They always contain a topic sentence. They are always the same length. They are always focused on a main idea Weegy: They are always focused on a main idea. -is the accurate statement about paragraphs. (More)

What is the purpose of the concluding paragraph in a composition?

The concluding paragraph (end paragraph) in a composition restates the (blank) and summarizes what has been said thesis To avoid a dull or boring concluding paragraph (end paragraph)(blank)

What is the topic of a paragraph called?

The topic of a paragraph is always placed in the first sentence. D. A paragraph with two main topics is called a complex paragraph. Log in for more information. This conversation has been flagged as incorrect. The following statement is true regarding paragraphs: A paragraph should have one main topic.

What is the intro section in a report?

Sources and methods of data collection (intro) section telling readers how you gathered you data for the report. It will either be primary, secondary, or both (always included) Definition of terms (intro) included if you will be using technical words, jargons, or acronyms that your reader may not understand.

What is the title fly?

(useless) Title page. Very important prefatory part. Contains your: title, the name, title, and company name of the person who assigned you the report, and the name, title, and company name of the author who wrote the report.