which of the following statements regarding african american alcohol use is false? course hero

by Emelie Rice PhD 8 min read

How is alcohol advertised in low-income Latino and African American communities?

In low-income Latino and African American communities, alcohol is heavily advertised as compared to in other neighborhoods. Moderate drinking for men is defined as no more than ______drinks each day

Which describes the connection between drinking and common types of accidents?

Which of the following BEST describes the connection between drinking and common types of fatal accidents in the United States? There is a strong statistical connection between alcohol use and the leading causes of accidental deaths in the United States. The purpose of zero-tolerance laws is to discourage driving by underage drinkers.

What is an alcohol dependent blackout?

An inability to remember events that occurred during a period of alcohol use is called a blackout. Alcoholics drink to escape the stress and pain in their lives. Jose has uncontrollable shakes, nausea, and vomiting when he does not drink. He would be classified as alcohol dependent.

Which is one way in which problem drinking differs from alcoholism?

Which of the following is one way in which problem drinking differs from alcoholism? The problem drinker does not drink to maintain normal body function. Problem drinking is characterized by personal difficulties from alcohol use. An inability to remember events that occurred during a period of alcohol use is called a blackout. Alcoholics drink