which of the following statements is true course hero eco 100

by River Konopelski 6 min read

What do firms anticipate after reading reports of increased consumer confidence in the economy?

What are the two main determinants of net exports?

What causes firms in the economy to purchase new devices and software?

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econ exam 3 learn smart questions Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like higher taxes mean less disposable income and less (fewer) _______., in an economy where all spending is done by households and individuals, in equilibrium, _______ equals disposable income, and savings equals zero., the activity of investment can take a variety of forms: and more.

Chapter 8 Flashcards | Quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like If the government decreases the amount of spending what shift will happen to the aggregate demand, According to interest rate effect, when the price level rises, people need what, Interest-rate effect and more.

How Does Aggregate Demand Affect Price Level? - Investopedia

The price of goods is the driver of supply and demand but there is no clear, direct link between aggregate demand and general price levels.

What do firms anticipate after reading reports of increased consumer confidence in the economy?

After reading reports of increased consumer confidence in the economy, firms anticipate higher expected returns on investments in the future.

What are the two main determinants of net exports?

The two main determinants of net exports are: -exchange rates. -national income levels.

What causes firms in the economy to purchase new devices and software?

The explosion of robotics and remote applications causes firms in the economy to purchase new devices and software.

What do firms anticipate after reading reports of increased consumer confidence in the economy?

After reading reports of increased consumer confidence in the economy, firms anticipate higher expected returns on investments in the future.

What are the two main determinants of net exports?

The two main determinants of net exports are: -exchange rates. -national income levels.

What causes firms in the economy to purchase new devices and software?

The explosion of robotics and remote applications causes firms in the economy to purchase new devices and software.
