which of the following statements is true course hero computer

by Jessie Kilback 3 min read

What are some modern computers?

Why were computers invented?

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Which of the following statements is true? 1. Computers have ... - BRAINLY

Which of the following statements is true? 1. Computers have only been around since the 1940's II. One reason computers were first developed was to do mathematical computations faster

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Which of the following choices correctly orders the early types of ...

Answer: Abacus, Analytical Engine, ENIAC, IBM Laptop. Explanation: Abacus was the earliest model from which computers are inspired it was a counting tool and was able to solve basic mathematics problems faster than humans.

What are some modern computers?

III. Some modern computers include laptops, cell phones, and tablets

Why were computers invented?

Computers have only been around since the 1940's. One reason computers were first developed was to do mathematical computations faster. Some modern computers include laptops, cell phones, and tablets. Computers are able to perform tasks by using logic.

What are some modern computers?

III. Some modern computers include laptops, cell phones, and tablets

Why were computers invented?

Computers have only been around since the 1940's. One reason computers were first developed was to do mathematical computations faster. Some modern computers include laptops, cell phones, and tablets. Computers are able to perform tasks by using logic.
