which of the following statements holds true for non-depressed people? course hero

by Nikki Dare 4 min read

What is the difference between a depressed and a non-depressed person?

B. Mildly depressed people are less attuned to others' feelings than are nondepressed people. C. Compared to depressed individuals, nondepressed individuals more accurately estimate their control over situations. D. Mildly depressed individuals are often more accurate in their memories than nondepressed individuals.

How are depressive behaviors reinforced by others?

depressive behaviors often are reinforced by the sympathy and attention they bring about in other people. 45. Learned helplessness theory suggests that: frequent stressful events can make people believe their situation is uncontrollable.

How does depression affect self-esteem of depression-prone individuals?

The self-esteem of depression-prone individuals fluctuates more rapidly up with boosts and down with threats. B. Depression is a cause, not a result of negative cognitions. C. The brooding that comes with short-term depression can be adaptive.

What is considered a mental disorder?

In defining a mental disorder, it is common to consider all of the following EXCEPT: any behaviour or emotional state that causes an individual suffering, is self-destructive, endangers others, or impairs a person's ability to function and work with others. The text defines mental disorder as:

What is the chief characteristic of generalized anxiety disorder?

chronic uncontrollable anxiety or worry. The chief characteristic of generalized anxiety disorder is: generalized anxiety disorder. Candice experiences a continuous state of anxiety marked by feelings of worry and dread, apprehension, difficulties in concentration, and signs of motor tension.

What is a projective psychodynamic test?

Projective tests are based on: projective tests. Psychological tests used to infer motives, conflicts, and unconscious dynamics on the basis of a person's interpretations of ambiguous stimuli are called: the Rorschach inkblot test.

What does Dr Jones believe when he diagnoses and treatments of patients go well?

C. Dr. Jones believes that when his diagnoses and treatments of patients go well it is because he is a great doctor. If something goes wrong, though, he says it is because the patients were not 100% truthful or a previous doctor made an error.

What is the therapy called when a shy person has to speak up in a group discussion?

This therapy method is called: A. foot-in-the-door training. B. rational-emotive therapy .

Is depression an illusory correlation?

The association between depression and a ilments is an example of illusory correlation. A research study is being conducted in which a group of participants are given drugs to control their anxiety and another group is given a fake tablet that has no effect. The participants are informed that all of them are being given the same drug and ...