which of the following statements about the effectiveness of psychotherapy is true? course hero

by Cyrus Spinka III 6 min read

What are the characteristics of a good therapist?

genuineness, unconditional positive regard, and empathic understanding According to Carl Rogers, as therapy progresses and clients become more self-aware, more self-accepting, and less defensive, they will naturally move: toward self-actualization Both psychoanalysis and client-centered therapy stress:

What is the best psychology textbook for AP Psychology?

2 answers Recommended textbook explanations Myers' Psychology for AP 2nd EditionDavid G Myers 900 explanations Psychology: Principles in Practice Spencer A. Rathus 1,024 explanations A Concise Introduction To Logic (Mindtap Course List) 13th EditionLori Watson, Patrick J. Hurley 1,847 explanations Psychology 1,007 explanations

Why is the DSM-5 of little practical value to clinical psychologists?

C) DSM-5 is of little practical value to clinical psychologists and other mental health workers because it merely describes the symptoms of mental illnesses and does not explain what causes them. D) DSM-5 describes the specific criteria that must be met in order for a mental health professional to diagnose a particular mental disorder.

How do I study intro to counseling Chapter 1?

Start studying Intro to Counseling Chapter 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Home Subjects Explanations Create Study sets, textbooks, questions

What is the process by which emotions and desires originally associated with a significant person in the patient's life (such

be more directive and actively engage the patient in a dialogue. Transference. the process by which emotions and desires originally associated with a significant person in the patient's life (such as a parent) are unconsciously transferred onto the psychoanalyst. Short-term dynamic therapies.

What is the psychological disorder that involves severely distorted beliefs, perceptions and thought processes?

a psychological disorder that involves severely distorted beliefs, perceptions and thought processes. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia . delusions or false beliefs, hallucinations, severely disorganized thought processes, speech and behavior. Negative symptoms of schizo phrenia.

What is the term for a disorder characterized by excessive, global and persistent symptoms of anxiety?

anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, global and persistent symptoms of anxiety (also called "free-floating" anxiety. Personality disorders. inflexible, maladaptive pattern of thoughts, emotions, behaviors and interpersonal functioning that are stable over time and across situations.

What is the APA book about panic attacks?

book published by the APA that describes the specific symptoms and diagnostic guidelines for different mental disorders. Panic attack. sudden episodes of extreme anxiety that rapidly accelerates in intensity. Panic disorder. anxiety disorder in which person experiences frequent and unexpected panic attacks.

What is eclecticism in psychotherapy?

An approach to psychotherapy that uses multiple techniques taken from different major types of therapy depending on the client and their needs is called: eclecticism. Borderline personality disorder. instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and emotions, and marked impulsivity. The dodo bird effect.

What is the term for a persistent and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or

persistent and irrational fear of a specific object, situation or activity. Specific phobia. excessive, intense and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity that is actively avoided or endured with marked anxiety. Social anxiety disorder.

What is catastrophic cognitions theory?

Mental disorder. pattern of behavioral and psychological symptoms that causes significant personal distress and impairs the ability to function in one or more important areas of life, or both. (distress, dysfunction, deviance & dangerousness)

Is psychotherapy a process?

True. Psychotherapy is a process of engagement between two people, both of whom are bound to change through the therapeutic venture. True. Those practicing brief therapy are in business to change clients, to give them quick advice, and to solve their problems for them.

Is Corey's belief that you are your own very best technique true?

False. With respect to mastering the techniques of counseling and applying them appropriately and effectively, it is Corey's belief that you are your own very best technique. True. Techniques can counteract a client-therapist relationship that is lacking in certain respects.