as you have learned in this course, a database is self-describing. what is meant by that?

by Prof. Leilani Friesen 8 min read

A database system is referred to as self-describing because it not only contains the database itself, but also metadata which defines and describes the data and relationships between tables in the database.

What is the self-describing nature of a database system?

May 16, 2009 · What is a self-describing database? - Answers "A database is self-describing in that it contains, in addition to data, a description of …

What is the purpose of a database Quizlet?

WHAT IS A DATABASE A database is a self-describing collection of integrated records. As you learned in Chapter 4, a byte is a character of data. In databases, bytes are grouped into columns, such as Student Number and Student Name. Columns are also called fields. Columns or fields, in turn, are grouped into rows, which are also called records. Finally, a group of similar rows or …

What is a database?

Before you write Course Learning Outcomes, you need to identify and select the essential, distinct, measurable and demonstrable learning you want students to achieve in this course in your department. So, you need to ask yourself and your faculty colleagues what you want students to learn in this course.

What is the difference between false metadata and self-describing database?

A database is self-describing because the user maintains a record of the database structure outside the database itself (T/F). Metadata is the user data stored in the database (T/F). Most organizations create and use their own database management system (DBMS) products (T/F).

What do you mean by data redundancy?

Data redundancy occurs when the same piece of data exists in multiple places, whereas data inconsistency is when the same data exists in different formats in multiple tables.

What is simple definition of a database?

A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system.

What are the characteristics of data in a database?

What are the characteristics of Data in a Database?Single repository of data is maintained.All users access the data from the same resource.Quick retrieval of data.Reduce application development time.Flexibility in change of database structure.Enforce standardization.Up-to-date information availability.More items...

What is a database write its characteristics and basic features?

A database supports multiple views of data. A view is a subset of the database, which is defined and dedicated for particular users of the system. Multiple users in the system might have different views of the system. Each view might contain only the data of interest to a user or group of users.

What is database programs?

A database program is the heart of a business information system and provides file creation, data entry, update, query and reporting functions. The traditional term for database software is "database management system" (see DBMS).

How do you explain database to a child?

“Database, also called electronic database, any collection of data, or information, that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer. Databases are structured to facilitate the storage, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data in conjunction with various data-processing operations.

What is self-describing nature of database?

Self-describing nature of a database system A database system is referred to as self-describing because it not only contains the database itself, but also metadata which defines and describes the data and relationships between tables in the database.

What is the importance of database?

Databases are a collection of organized information that can easily be accessed, managed and updated. Database systems are very important to your business because they communicate information related to your sales transactions, product inventory, customer profiles and marketing activities.

What is a database explain its benefits?

Database Management System (DBMS) is a set of program that allows access, retrieval and use of that data by considering appropriate security measures. The database Management system (DBMS) is really useful for better data integration and its security.Nov 20, 2019

What is the importance of data quality characteristics in database?

In today's business environment, data quality characteristics ensure that you get the most out of your information. When your information doesn't meet these standards, it isn't valuable. Precisely provides data quality solutions to improve the accuracy, completeness, reliability, relevance, and timeliness of your data.May 7, 2021

What is the main characteristics of the database approach?

The main characteristics of the database approach (feature of database approach) And how it differs from the traditional file system i.e file-processing approach : Self-describing nature of a database system. Insulation between programs and data, and data abstraction. Support of multiple views of the data.Jan 21, 2022

Why is a database system self-describing?

A database system is referred to as self-describing because it not only contains the database itself, but also metadata which defines and describes the data and relationships between tables in the database. This information is used by the DBMS software or database users if needed.

What are the different types of databases?

Because of the versatility of databases, we find them powering all sorts of projects. A database can be linked to: 1 A website that is capturing registered users 2 A client-tracking application for social service organizations 3 A medical record system for a health care facility 4 Your personal address book in your email client 5 A collection of word-processed documents 6 A system that issues airline reservations

What is concurrency control in database?

That is, they allow many users to access the same database at the same time. This access is achieved through features called concurrency control strategies. These strategies ensure that the data accessed are always correct and that data integrity is maintained.

What is a view in a database?

A database supports multiple views of data. A view is a subset of the database, which is defined and dedicated for particular users of the system. Multiple users in the system might have different views of the system. Each view might contain only the data of interest to a user or group of users.

What is data sharing?

Data sharing. The integration of all the data, for an organization, within a database system has many advantages. First, it allows for data sharing among employees and others who have access to the system.

What is a constraint in a database?

A database constraint is a restriction or rule that dictates what can be entered or edited in a table such as a postal code using a certain format or adding a valid city in the City field. There are many types of database constraints.

What is the advantage of a database management system?

Data independence. Another advantage of a database management system is how it allows for data independence. In other words, the system data descriptions or data describing data (metadata) are separated from the application programs.

Why is a database system self-describing?

A database system is referred to as self-describing because it not only contains the database itself, but also metadata which defines and describes the data and relationships between tables in the database. This information is used by the DBMS software or database users if needed.

What is the advantage of a database management system?

Data independence. Another advantage of a database management system is how it allows for data independence. In other words, the system data descriptions or data describing data (metadata) are separated from the application programs.

What is the purpose of managing information?

Managing information means taking care of it so that it works for us and is useful for the tasks we perform. By using a DBMS, the information we collect and add to its database is no longer subject to accidental disorganization. It becomes more accessible and integrated with the rest of our work. Managing information using a database allows us to become strategic users of the data we have.

What is a view in a database?

A database supports multiple views of data. A view is a subset of the database, which is defined and dedicated for particular users of the system. Multiple users in the system might have different views of the system. Each view might contain only the data of interest to a user or group of users.

What is concurrency control in database?

That is, they allow many users to access the same database at the same time. This access is achieved through features called concurrency control strategies. These strategies ensure that the data accessed are always correct and that data integrity is maintained.

What is data sharing?

Data sharing. The integration of all the data, for an organization, within a database system has many advantages. First, it allows for data sharing among employees and others who have access to the system.

What is a constraint in a database?

A database constraint is a restriction or rule that dictates what can be entered or edited in a table such as a postal code using a certain format or adding a valid city in the City field. There are many types of database constraints.

Why is a database self-describing?

A database is self-describing because the user maintains a record of the database structure outside the database itself (T/F). Metadata is the user data stored in the database (T/F). Most organizations create and use their own database management system (DBMS) products (T/F).

What is a database?

A database is a set of one or more computer programs that serves as an intermediary between the users and the database management system (DBMS) (T/F). A relational database can be defined as a self-describing collection of related tables (T/F).

What is the purpose of a database?

The purpose of a database is to help people keep track of things (T/F). True. A possible problem with keeping data in lists is that if you delete a row of data from a list, you may also delete some data items that you want to keep (T/F). True.

What is an entity relationship diagram?

An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a consistent tool that can be used to represent the data requirements of a business regardless of the type of database that is used, and even in the absence of one !

What is an ER model?

The ER model tells us something about the business, not about the implementation. Having said that, in practice, the majority of the ER models lead to relational database implementations. The data model should stay the same even if a database is not used at all.

What is an ERD in construction?

An ERD is the design plan for a database , just as a set of blueprints is the design plan for a house . Untrained individuals cannot accurately read or communicate the details of the plans, but the details are important in the building phase of the project.

Self-Describing Nature of A Database System

  • A database system is referred to as self-describing because it not only contains the database itself, but also metadata which defines and describes the data and relationships between tables in the database. This information is used by the DBMS software or database users if needed. This separation of data and information about the data makes a database system totally different fro…
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Insulation Between Program and Data

  • In the file-based system, the structure of the data files is defined in the application programs so if a user wants to change the structure of a file, all the programs that access that file might need to be changed as well. On the other hand, in the database approach, the data structure is stored in the system catalogue and not in the programs. Therefore, one change is all that is needed to ch…
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Support For Multiple Views of Data

  • A database supports multiple views of data. A viewis a subset of the database, which is defined and dedicated for particular users of the system. Multiple users in the system might have different views of the system. Each view might contain only the data of interest to a user or group of users.
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Sharing of Data and Multiuser System

  • Current database systems are designed for multiple users. That is, they allow many users to access the same database at the same time. This access is achieved through features called concurrency control strategies. These strategies ensure that the data accessed are always correct and that data integrity is maintained. The design of modern multiuser database systems …
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Control of Data Redundancy

  • In the database approach, ideally, each data item is stored in only one place in the database. In some cases, data redundancy still exists to improve system performance, but such redundancy is controlled by application programming and kept to minimum by introducing as little redudancy as possible when designing the database.
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Data Sharing

  • The integration of all the data, for an organization, within a database system has many advantages. First, it allows for data sharing among employees and others who have access to the system. Second, it gives users the ability to generate more information from a given amount of data than would be possible without the integration.
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Enforcement of Integrity Constraints

  • Database management systems must provide the ability to define and enforce certain constraints to ensure that users enter valid information and maintain data integrity. A database constraintis a restriction or rule that dictates what can be entered or edited in a table such as a postal code using a certain format or adding a valid city in the City field. There are many types of database c…
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Restriction of Unauthorized Access

  • Not all users of a database system will have the same accessing privileges. For example, one user might have read-only access (i.e., the ability to read a file but not make changes), while another might have read and write privileges, which is the ability to both read and modify a file. For this reason, a database management system should provide a security subsystem to create and con…
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Data Independence

  • Another advantage of a database management system is how it allows for data independence. In other words, the system data descriptions or data describing data (metadata) are separated from the application programs. This is possible because changes to the data structure are handled by the database management system and are not embedded in the program itself.
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Transaction Processing

  • A database management system must include concurrency control subsystems. This feature ensures that data remains consistent and valid during transaction processing even if several users update the same information.
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Self-Describing Nature of A Database System

  • A database system is referred to as self-describing because it not only contains the database itself, but also metadata which defines and describes the data and relationships between tables in the database. This information is used by the DBMS software or database users if needed. This separation of data and information about the datamakes a database system totally different fro…
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Insulation Between Program and Data

  • In the file-based system, the structure of the data files is defined in the application programs so if a user wants to change the structure of a file, all the programs that access that file might need to be changed as well. On the other hand, in the database approach, the data structure is stored in the system catalogue and not in the programs. Therefore, one change is all that is needed to ch…
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Support For Multiple Views of Data

  • A database supports multiple views of data. A viewis a subset of the database, which is defined and dedicated for particular users of the system. Multiple users in the system might have different views of the system. Each view might contain only the data of interest to a user or group of users.
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Sharing of Data and Multiuser System

  • Current database systems are designed for multiple users. That is, they allow many users to access the same database at the same time. This access is achieved through features called concurrency control strategies. These strategies ensure that the data accessed are always correct and that data integrity is maintained. The design of modern multiuser database systems …
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Control of Data Redundancy

  • In the database approach, ideally, each data item is stored in only one place in the database. In some cases, data redundancy still exists to improve system performance, but such redundancy is controlled by application programmingand kept to minimum by introducing as little redudancy as possible when designing the database.
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Data Sharing

  • The integration of all the data, for an organization, within a database system has many advantages. First, it allows for data sharing among employees and others who have access to the system. Second, it gives users the ability to generate more information from a given amount of data than would be possible without the integration.
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Enforcement of Integrity Constraints

  • Database management systems must provide the ability to define and enforce certain constraints to ensure that users enter valid information and maintain data integrity. A database constraintis a restriction or rule that dictates what can be entered or edited in a table such as a postal code using a certain format or adding a valid city in the City field. There are many types of database c…
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Restriction of Unauthorized Access

  • Not all users of a database system will have the same accessing privileges. For example, one user might have read-only access (i.e., the ability to read a file but not make changes), while another might have read and write privileges, which is the ability to both read and modify a file. For this reason, a database management system should provide a security subsystem to create and con…
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Data Independence

  • Another advantage of a database management system is how it allows for data independence. In other words, the system data descriptions or data describing data (metadata) are separated from the application programs. This is possible because changes to the data structure are handled by the database management system and are not embedded in the program itself.
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Transaction Processing

  • A database management system must include concurrency control subsystems. This feature ensures that data remains consistent and valid during transaction processing even if several users update the same information.
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