which of the following statement is not true about occasion analysis course

by Miss Crystal Orn 5 min read

Which three elements do you need to consider when analyzing the speaking occasion?

Three elements that need to be considered when analyzing the speaking occasion are the audience, the occasion, and the purpose.

Which statement is not necessarily true about a central idea statement?

Which statement is not necessarily true about a central idea statement? it is identical to a thesis statement as you would do for English Composition class. What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To inform my audience about the legal definition of privacy"?

Which of the following is a criterion for a purpose statement?

A purpose statement should be speaker oriented. The time when the speech is presented is a circumstance of the occasion. Informative speeches should have three to five main points. Analogies are brief stories with a particular point.

What is the process of using what you learned during audience analysis called?

competent. What is the process of using what you learned during audience analysis called? Adapting to an audience before the speech means that speakers should do which of the following? Understand the beliefs and attitudes of the audience.

What word means statements that Cannot be argued?

What word means "statements that cannot be argued"? irrefutable.

Which of the following are true of the central idea of a speech?

Which of the following are true of the central idea of a speech? It is expressed as a declarative sentence and it is the same as the thesis statement. Mark, an Army veteran who was stationed in Iraq, decides to give an informative speech about that country. What is he basing his choice of a topic on?

What a thesis statement is not?

A thesis statement should not make promises that the essay will not fulfill. It should suggest how ideas are related and where the emphasis will lie. A good thesis statement is neither too broad nor too narrow. The thesis determines the scope of an essay.

What are the 4 parts of a thesis statement?

4 Parts of the Thesis
  • the introduction of the topic,
  • the theoretical basis,
  • the implementation of the project,
  • the research results, and.
  • the discussion.

What is general purpose statement?

In short, the general purpose statement lays out the broader goal of the speech while the specific purpose statement describes precisely what the speech is intended to do. Some of your professors may ask that you include the general purpose and add the specific purpose.

Which of the following is something to avoid when making observations about your audience?

Which of the following is something to avoid when making observations about your audience? Observing through the lens of your own personal biases.

What are the 3 types of questions for audience analysis?

Audience analysis is categorized into three types: demographic, psychographic and situational analysis.

What are the worst traits of a public speaker How do they affect audience?

Characteristics of an Ineffective Public Speaker
  • Lack of Preparation. Ineffective speakers are unprepared for the speech they need to give. ...
  • Reading Rather Than Speaking. Reading exclusively from your notes is a mistake. ...
  • Constantly Apologizing. ...
  • Poor Delivery. ...
  • Absent or Mis-Used Humor. ...
  • Not Practicing.
Aug 7, 2017

Why does Terry's professor call on students in class?

Terry's professor frequently calls on students in class when she thinks that they are not paying attention. Terry has a big math test next period and is studying notes for that class. However, she is making eye contact with her professor, occasionally nodding her head, and pretending to take notes.

What was Marcus' best argument?

Throughout the course of developing his speech on reducing student tuition, Marcus decided that his best argument was that raising tuition meant deeper and longer debt for students. This determination represents which part of the speech, according to Cicero's five canons?

What is Franklin discussing with Thomas?

Dr. Franklin is discussing the economic theory of capitalism and Thomas disagrees with him. Thomas focuses only upon the weakness and ignores the strong points the professor is making. Thomas is using the nonlistening style of:

Did Orlando say that Roosevelt's public works did not help bring the country out of the Great Depression?

Orlando found a source claiming that President Roosevelt's public works projects did not help bring the country out of the Great Depression. When he spoke, however, he said "I believe President Roosevelt's public works projects did not help bring the country out of the Great Depression." Orlando is guilty of:

What is it called when you explain the purpose of the research and answering participants' questions at the end of the study?

Explaining the purpose of the research and answering participants' questions at the end of the study is known as: debriefing.

Why is longitudinal study better than cross sectional study?

One of the advantages of conducting a longitudinal study instead of a cross-sectional study is that: it allows researchers to follow groups long enough to assess both short-term and long-term effects.

What is single case experimental design?

single-case experimental design study participants receive some type of intervention or manipulation, and behaviors are measured more than once.

Who randomly assigned his abnormal psychology students to participate in a study of memory encoding specificity?

Dr. Tuten randomly assigned his abnormal psychology students to participate in a study of memory encoding specificity. This means that:

Do studies on animals have ethical issues?

Studies conducted on animals rarely have any ethical issues.

How many methods of reinforcing the central idea can be combined in a single conclusion?

all four methods of reinforcing the central idea can be combined in a single conclusion.

Did Robert have to prepare the chart?

no. robert should have prepared the chart ahead of time and rehearsed with it.
