If any other file were given instead of /dev/null, the standard output would have been written to that file. Similarly, to redirect only the STDERR to /dev/null, use the integer '2' instead of '1'. The integer '2' stands for standard error. $ mv -v tmp.c /etc/apt/sources.list /tmp 2>/dev/null
Similarly, to redirect only the STDERR to /dev/null, use the integer '2' instead of '1'. The integer '2' stands for standard error. As you can see, the standard error is not displayed on the terminal now as it is discarded in /dev/null. Finally, to discard both STDOUT and STDERR at the same time, use the following:
The output consists of two parts: STDOUT ( Standard Output ), which contains information logs and success messages, and STDERR ( Standard Error ), which contains error messages. Many times, the output contains a lot of information that is not relevant, and which unnecessarily utilizes system resources.
If any other file were given instead of /dev/null, the standard output would have been written to that file.
Here '1' indicates STDOUT, which is a standard integer assigned by Linux for the same. The operator '>', called a redirection operator, writes data to a file. The file specified in this case is /dev/null. Hence, the data is ultimately discarded.
However in cases when the output is already known and anticipated, it can be discarded with /dev/null. If you have any questions or feedback, let us know in the comments below!
The same can be used in either command or in complex Bash scripts which generate a heavy amount of log. In case if the script needs debugging, or has to be tested; in such cases, the log is required to view and analyze the errors properly.
The stdout (stdout) is nothing but standard output used by a command to write its output on the screen. It is denoted by one ( 1) number.
The standard error (stderr) is the default error output device, which is used to write all system error messages. It is denoted by two ( 2) number.
KSH redirection refers to changing the shell’s normal method of handling stdout , stdin, and stderr for Unix commands. KSH uses the following symbols for redirection purpose:
You can always redirect both standard error (stdin) and standard out (stdout) text to an output file or a log file by typing the following command: