which of the following is true of religious affiliation in the united states course hero

by Selena Buckridge 7 min read

Do more people identify with a religion than they belong to?

Another term for religious affiliation is religious preference. Recall from the Pew survey cited earlier that 83% of Americans express a religious preference, while 61% are official members of a local house of worship. As these figures indicate, more people identify with a religion than actually belong to it.

Are Americans more religious than other citizens of other countries?

These figures show that religion plays a significant role in the lives of many Americans. Moreover, Americans seem more religious than the citizens of almost all the other democratic, industrialized nations with which the United States is commonly compared.

What is the relationship between race and ethnicity and religion?

Race and ethnicity are also related to religious affiliation. African Americans are overwhelmingly Protestant, usually Conservative Protestants (Baptists), while Latinos are primarily Catholic. Asian Americans and Native Americans tend to hold religious preferences other than Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish.

What are the factors that affect religious affiliation?

Age is yet another factor related to religious affiliation, as older people are more likely than younger people to belong to a church or synagogue. As young people marry and “put roots down,” their religious affiliation increases, partly because many wish to expose their children to a religious education.

What is religious affiliation?

What is the most common religion in the United States?

What is the relationship between religion and socioeconomic status?

What percentage of Protestants are Baptists?

How does religion help?

Why are the Southern states so religious?

How many questions did college graduates answer correctly?

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What are the sociological characteristics of religion in the United ...

Answer (1 of 2): We have one of two choices which one will conclude is but one choice. World was created by God (almighty creator of all things that transcend time) or it magically appeared from nothing which would again be super natural hence leaves but one choices a super natural being called G...

Religion in the United States – Rothschild's Introduction to Sociology

Megachurches. A megachurch is a Christian church that has a very large congregation averaging more than 2,000 people who attend regular weekly services. As of 2009, the largest megachurch in the United States was in Houston Texas, boasting an average weekly attendance of more than 43,000 (Bogan 2009).

Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics ...

About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research.

What are the sociological characteristics of religion - Course Hero

3. What are the sociological characteristics of religion in the United States? Build an argument that religion is likely to remain a strong feature of life in the United States or why religion may not remain a strong feature in the lives of Americans. Religion has the potential to not only reinforce, but also promote, sociological characteristics.

What are some examples of religious totems?

An example of a religious totem would be the wafer and wine used in Catholic mass.

Is it more likely to identify as affiliated with a religious denomination than to identify as unaffiliated?

People are more likely to identify as affiliated with some religious denomination than to identify as unaffiliated.

What is religious affiliation?

Religious affiliation is a term that can mean actual membership in a church or synagogue, or just a stated identification with a particular religion whether or not someone actually belongs to a local house of worship. Another term for religious affiliation is religious preference.

What is the most common religion in the United States?

The Pew survey also included some excellent data on religious identification (see Figure 17.1 “Religious Preference in the United States” ). Slightly more than half of Americans say their religious preference is Protestant, while about 24% call themselves Catholic. Almost 2% say they are Jewish, while 6% state another religious preference and 16% say they have no religious preference. Although Protestants are thus a majority of the country, the Protestant religion includes several denominations. About 34% of Protestants are Baptists; 12% are Methodists; 9% are Lutherans; 9% are Pentecostals; 5% are Presbyterians; and 3% are Episcopalians. The remainder identify with other Protestant denominations or say their faith is nondenominational. Based on their religious beliefs, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists are typically grouped together as Liberal Protestants; Methodists, Lutherans, and a few other denominations as Moderate Protestants; and Baptists, Seventh-Day Adventists, and many other denominations as Conservative Protestants.

What is the relationship between religion and socioeconomic status?

A Gallup report concluded that these results demonstrate “the strong relationship between a country’s socioeconomic status and the religiosity of its residents” (Crabtree, 2010). Drawing on research by sociologists and other social scientists, the report explained that religion helps people in poorer nations cope with the many hardships that poverty creates.

What percentage of Protestants are Baptists?

About 34% of Protestants are Baptists; 12% are Methodists; 9% are Lutherans; 9% are Pentecostals; 5% are Presbyterians; and 3% are Episcopalians. The remainder identify with other Protestant denominations or say their faith is nondenominational.

How does religion help?

In sum, research increasingly suggests that religiosity helps reduce risky, deviant behaviors and increase physical and psychological well-being. Although religion should not be forced on anyone, this body of research suggests that efforts that promote religiosity among both adolescents and adults may have the benefits just described. For example, older adults often have trouble traveling to a house of worship, whether they live at home or in an institutional setting such as a nursing home or assisted living center. Their well-being may be enhanced if they are provided free or low-cost transportation to attend a house of worship or if regular religious services are begun in the institutional settings that do not already have them. In helping demonstrate the benefits of religiosity in the areas discussed here, sociology has again made a difference.

Why are the Southern states so religious?

Although these and other factors might help explain Southern religiosity, it is notable that the Southern states are also generally the poorest in the nation. If the poorest nations of the world are more religious in part because of their poverty, then the Southern states may also be more religious partly because of their poverty. In understanding religious differences among the different regions of the country, the United States has much to learn from the other nations of the world.

How many questions did college graduates answer correctly?

The respondents’ level of education was strongly related to their percentage of correct answers. College graduates answered an average of 20.6 questions correctly, people who had taken only some college courses answered 17.5 questions correctly, and respondents with a high school degree or less answered 12.8 questions correctly. Higher scores were also achieved by respondents who were more religious, by men, by whites, and by non-Southerners (Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, 2010).