which of the following is true of effective discipline? course hero

by Dusty Torphy DDS 10 min read

What is effective management?

Effective management... is first and foremost about creating classroom environments in which all students feel safe and valued. The authors believe this characteristic to be foundational to all others because in the absence of these qualities, students cannot maximize their learning of important social and academic skills.

Why do authors believe that this characteristic to be foundational to all others?

The authors believe this characteristic to be foundational to all others because in the absence of these qualities, students cannot maximize their learning of important social and academic skills. is linked with effective instruction. Students need experience with meaningful, culturally relevant knowledge and skills.

What is challenging behavior?

A student's challenging behavior often represents. a mismatch between the student's skills and the expectations of the school environment. The authors of our text assert that teaching prosocial skills and implementing plans designed to enhance positive student behavior will fall short unless the school also focuses on.
