which of the following is true of bipolar disorder?course hero

by Garrick Schneider 5 min read

Why do people believe their situation is uncontrollable?

What is the milder episode of mania known as?

What is Martha's most likely suffering from?

Where is the vagus nerve implanted?

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Can you live a normal life with bipolar?

Bipolar disorder -- or manic depression, as it is also still sometimes called -- has no known cure. It is a chronic health condition that requires lifetime management. Plenty of people with this condition do well; they have families and jobs and live normal lives.

Is bipolar disorder maladaptive?

Bipolar patients' maladaptive coping has also been linked to their bipolar illness severity, including increased hypomania, depression, anxiety, and stress levels (Green et al., 2011; Fletcher et al., 2013, 2014).

What are some coping mechanisms for bipolar?

Self-help strategies for bipolar disorderMonitor your mood. Keep track of your mood daily, including factors such as sleep, medication and events that may influence mood. ... Develop a schedule. ... Sleep hygiene. ... Limit stress. ... Take your time in making decisions. ... Build a good support network. ... Join a support group. ... Exercise.More items...

What kind of behavioral disorder causes changes in a person's mood energy and ability to function?

Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes changes in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function. People with bipolar disorder experience intense emotional states that typically occur during distinct periods of days to weeks, called mood episodes.

What causes irritability in bipolar disorder?

Anger is not a typical symptom of bipolar disorder. But people with bipolar disorder may become angry due to the shifts in mood they experience. High, low, and mixed mood episodes are characteristic of bipolar disorder. Irritability is a common feature of high and mixed mood episodes.

Are bipolar people perfectionists?

Studies have shown that perfectionism is an antecedent for anxiety and bipolar. A study in the Journal of Affective Disorders says that stress and anxiety are a go-between for depressive bipolar symptoms.

What is the most effective treatment for bipolar disorder?

The most effective treatment for bipolar disorder is a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Most people take more than one drug, like a mood-stabilizing drug and an antipsychotic or antidepressant.

How do you calm an angry bipolar person?

The following are some techniques for coping with bipolar anger in a person:Accept their limitations. Your family member or friend living with bipolar illness is sometimes unable to manage their temperament. ... Practice ways for calming them down. ... Ensure they are taking their medicine. ... Communicate honestly.

What are 4 signs of bipolar disorder?

Symptoms - Bipolar disorderfeeling sad, hopeless or irritable most of the time.lacking energy.difficulty concentrating and remembering things.loss of interest in everyday activities.feelings of emptiness or worthlessness.feelings of guilt and despair.feeling pessimistic about everything.self-doubt.More items...

What is a person with bipolar like?

People with bipolar experience both episodes of severe depression and episodes of mania – overwhelming joy, excitement or happiness, huge energy, a reduced need for sleep, and reduced inhibitions. The experience of bipolar is uniquely personal. No two people have exactly the same experience.

What happens if you have bipolar disorder?

Overview. Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities.

How does bipolar disorder affect daily life?

When living with bipolar disorder, individuals often find themselves either extremely productive and focused at work or largely disinterested. This tendency can make it challenging to maintain a full-time job or focus on a career path where one must always be at their best.

Is maladaptive daydreaming related to bipolar?

Bipolar disorder and risk for mania are associated with setting high goals and dysregulated goal pursuit. One mechanism mediating between setting high goals and manic symptoms could be daydreaming or more generally, mental imagery.

Is maladaptive daydreaming part of bipolar?

Depressed patients who have enough mental or physical energy to experience mood swings, daydreaming, and relatively high levels of activity, especially impulsive, grandiose, or thrill-seeking behavior, should be suspected of being in an early phase of bipolar II disorder.

Can maladaptive daydreaming cause bipolar?

'Daydreams' (as one form of mental imagery) are characterized by the fact that the content is produced deliberately. Akiskal et al. (1995) reported that daydreaming prospectively predicted a switch from unipolar depression to bipolar disorder.

Is bipolar a severe mental impairment?

Purpose. The phrase severe mental illness ( SMI ) refers to people with psychological problems that are often so debilitating that their ability to engage in functional and occupational activities is severely impaired. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are often referred to as an SMI [footnote 1].

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Programs target both the general population of students and those students at high risk for suicide. Programs may attempt to destigmatize suicide by making it appear quite common and by not mentioning that most suicidal people are suffering from a psychological disorder, in hopes that suicidal students will feel freer to seek help.

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Solved 13) Which of the following statements is true about a | Chegg.com

Transcribed image text: 13) Which of the following statements is true about a person with bipolar disorder? A) The person experiences day-to-day fluctuations in moodiness, unpredictability, or emotional reactivity B) The person experiences manic episodes for at least one week.

Why do people believe their situation is uncontrollable?

frequent stressful events can make people believe their situation is uncontrollable.

What is the milder episode of mania known as?

milder episodes of mania known as hypomania.

What is Martha's most likely suffering from?

She is irritable, and has had little sleep since their birth. Martha feels guilt and shame because she says a good mother would be able to take care of her children. The subtype of major depression Martha is most likely suffering from is depression with:

Where is the vagus nerve implanted?

In vagus nerve stimulation, a small electronic device is implanted under the patient 's skin in the left chest wall.

Why do people believe their situation is uncontrollable?

frequent stressful events can make people believe their situation is uncontrollable.

What is the milder episode of mania known as?

milder episodes of mania known as hypomania.

What is Martha's most likely suffering from?

She is irritable, and has had little sleep since their birth. Martha feels guilt and shame because she says a good mother would be able to take care of her children. The subtype of major depression Martha is most likely suffering from is depression with:

Where is the vagus nerve implanted?

In vagus nerve stimulation, a small electronic device is implanted under the patient 's skin in the left chest wall.