which of the following is true fatty acids course herp

by Helene Doyle DVM 3 min read

Which one of the following fatty acids has no double bonds?

Saturated fatty adds have no double bonds between carbons. Laurate is an unsaturated fatty acid.

Which type of fatty acids are usually branched?

Unsaturated fatty acids are usually branched. Fatty acids with 24 carbons are most common. Saturated fatty adds have no double bonds between carbons.

What is the reaction between glycerol and fatty acid called?

The reaction is called a dehydration synthesis, in which the H from the glycerol's alcohol group and the OH from the fatty acid's acid group are removed as water. The valence electrons are then made up by the forming of an ester bond. A charged particle is generally called an ion or electrolyte.

How are fatty acids synthesized stepwise?

Fatty acids are synthesized by the stepwise addition of three carbon units. Unsaturated fatty acids are usually branched. Fatty acids with 24 carbons are most common. Saturated fatty adds have no double bonds between carbons. Laurate is an unsaturated fatty acid. Which of the following is not a polymer of This problem has been solved!

Which of the following is true about fatty acids usage for energy?

Which of the following is true about fatty acid usage for energy? Gram for gram, fatty acids provide more than twice as much energy as glucose.

Which of the following is true about essential fatty acids quizlet?

What is true about essential fatty acids? They have anti-inflammatory properties that protect against heart disease. You just studied 12 terms!

Which of the following is true regarding saturated fatty acid?

Which of the following is true regarding saturated and unsaturated fatty acids? Explanation: Fatty acids are long hydrocarbon chains that contain a carboxylic acid moiety on one end. Saturated fatty acids have no double bonds, whereas unsaturated fatty acids have one or more double bonds.

Which is are true of lipids?

Fats, oils, waxes, and sterols are collectively known as lipids. Like the carbohydrates, the true fats contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The molecules of such a lipid are made up of a glycerol molecule with three fatty acid molecules attached to it.

What is true about saturated fatty acids quizlet?

Which is true about saturated fats? -Saturated fats raise blood cholesterol. -Saturated fats tend to be solid at room temperature.

Which of the following is an essential fatty acid?

Only two fatty acids are known to be essential for humans: alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid).

Is saturated fatty acid?

The saturated fatty acids are derived from both animal fats and plant oils. Rich sources of dietary saturated fatty acids include butter fat, meat fat, and tropical oils (palm oil, coconut oil, and palm kernel oil). Saturated fatty acids are straight-chain organic acids with an even number of carbon atoms (Table 2).

Are saturated fatty acids The principal molecules in lard and butter?

Animal products, probably saturated fatty acids, whereas the corn oil is liquid at room temperature, which is a good sign that it's unsaturated and unsaturated, usually are produced by plants. So the answer here is that the saturated fatty acids are the principal molecules in lard and butter.

Are saturated fatty acids liquid at room temperature?

Saturated fats are solid at room temperature due to their molecular shape. The term saturated is in reference to an sp3 carbon chain that has its remaining sp3 orbitals bonded with hydrogen atoms.

Which of the following is true about lipids quizlet?

Which of the following is true about lipids? Lipids found in the cell membrane are composed of one glycerol and three fatty acid chains and are called phospholipids. Triglycerides are composed of three fatty acids and one glycerol and are stable because they do not dissolve in water.

Which is not true about lipids?

The answer is d. All lipids contain fatty acids. The statement that is not true is choice (d) All lipids contain fatty acids.

Are fatty acids lipids?

Fatty acids are common components of complex lipids, and these differ according to chain length and the presence, number and position of double bonds in the hydrocarbon chain.