which of the following is the most selective advertising medium? course

by Jedidiah Olson PhD 10 min read

How does the advertiser approach the selection of media types?

The advertiser approaches the selection of media types by defining the typical buyer he intends to influence through his advertising. These buyers constitute his market; they are to receive his advertising message from and through the media he selects.

What is the best medium for advertising a product?

If the message is to reach moderately rich people, then magazines are the best medium. If a local area is to be covered, newspaper and outdoor advertising media are helpful. If the idea is to reach illiterate people, then radio, television and film media are best suited.

What is the best form of advertising to promote a product?

If a local area is to be covered, newspaper and outdoor advertising media are helpful. If the idea is to reach illiterate people, then radio, television and film media are best suited. So, the media must match the demographic features of the market for the products.

Which type of readers do advertisers generally attach greatest value to?

B. Advertisers attach greater value to pass-along readers. C. Pass-along readers should be totally discounted in evaluating magazine readership. D. Pass-along readers generally spend more time with a magazine and pick it up more often than do primary readers. E. Advertisers generally attach greatest value to out-of-home readers.

Which of the following is the most selective advertising medium?

Direct mail is probably the most selective of all the advertising media. It is used to send the message directly to the selected people.

Which of the following are types of advertising media quizlet?

six major advertising media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, outdoor media, and the Internet.

Which advertising medium offers the advantage of high audience selectivity?

radio2. Selectivity - Another major advantage of radio is the high degree of audience selectivity available through the various program formats and geographic coverage of the numerous stations.

Which of the following would be a type of advertising used in the awareness stage of the adoption process quizlet?

Pioneering ads for a product work best in which stage of the adoption process? Awareness; pioneering ads for a product work best in the awareness stage of the adoption process.

Which are types of advertising media?

Nine types of advertising media available to an advertiser are: (1) direct mail (2) newspapers and magazines (3) radio advertising (4) television advertising (5) film advertising (6) outdoor advertising (7) window display (8) fairs and exhibition and (9) specially advertising!

Which two are among the most common advertising appeals?

The most common advertising appeals include use of fear, humor, rational, sex or bandwagon propaganda.

Which advertising medium provides the most flexibility?

Television is considered an excellent advertising medium because of:its ability to combine visual images with sound and motion.the tremendous creative flexibility and opportunities available through television.its ability to convey a mood or image for a brand.

What is meant by selectivity with regard to the purchase of advertising media?

Selective advertising focuses on creating a demand for a specific brand of product or service. For example, soda manufacturers often promote each brand they make with a dedicated marketing campaign.

Which of the following advertising medium offers high mobility and transferability?

The advantages of radio advertising are immediacy, low cost, flexibility, practicality, low-cost audience selection, and mobility. The radio is an extremely mobile broadcast medium.

Which of the following types of advertising is used to promote the superiority of one brand over a competitive brand?

Comparative advertising is a marketing strategy in which a company's product or service is presented as superior when compared to a competitor's. A comparative advertising campaign may involve printing a side-by-side comparison of the features of a company's products next to those of its competitor.

Which of the following is a difference between pioneering advertising and competitive advertising group of answer choices?

pioneering advertising compares competing brands, whereas competitive advertising is intended to stimulate primary demand for a new product.

What is the meaning of competitive advertising?

Competitive advertising is used by companies as a way to differentiate from competitors. This approach puts two brands side by side to show consumers the differences between the brands. Some companies name the competitor, while others use vague phrases like 'the leading competitor' and 'brand X.

What is a city zone?

City zone <-> Market area composed of the city where the paper is published and contiguous area similar in character to the city. Retail trading zone <-> Market outside the city zone whose residents regularly trade with merchants within the city zone.

What is a general business magazine?

General business magazines <-> Magazines direct at executives in all areas of business. Healthy care magazines <-> Magazines directed at dental as well as medical and surgical areas. Trade magazines <-> Magazine directed at wholesalers, dealers, distributors, and retailers.

What is the difference between ad A and ad B?

Ad 'A' uses a straightforward informational appeal , which discusses the DVD player's features, while ad 'B' is an image ad that promotes the overall quality of the player. The purpose of both ads is to encourage readers to send in a card or call a toll-free number to request more information about Sony's DVD player and other products.

Can newspapers survive without advertising revenue?

Most magazines and newspapers could survive without advertising revenue. B. Newspapers are a primary source of shopping information for many consumers. C. The number of daily newspapers in most cities has been increasing due to a dramatic increase in the amount of readily available advertising revenue.

What is the right media for advertising?

Right media of advertising will enable the advertiser to deliver the message effectively to the intended markets or prospects. Media choice is determined by a number of factors such as—Number of viewers, readers, listeners, characteristics of audience-education, sex, income, family size, relative cost of various media.

When did radio become an established medium of advertising?

The radio became an established medium of advertising in 1920 . Radio advertising increased continuously. The number of radio sets has increased to many lakhs. Television, too, has become very popular; but it has not retarded the popularity of the radio. Radio commercials or advertising have adopted new techniques of advertising by broadcasting music, songs and other entertaining programmes. Frequency modulation (FM) and amplitude modulation (AM) have extended its operations to a larger section of the population.

What is mural advertising?

It can attract attention of numerous people; it is good to remind prospects. An advertiser has ample scope to use his skill and art in advertising.

What is a newspaper?

The newspaper is a local advertising medium. It has local coverage in the sense that it reaches almost all homes within the given area of its circulation. Newspapers are generally published on a daily basis. Very few are published as weeklies. It has been observed in India that about 40 per cent of families living in urban areas read some sort of a newspaper.

What is print media?

The print media have their own charm and effectiveness. It provides detailed advertising information. They reach quality audience in terms of income, occupation and education. The print media use printed letters and words, typed letters, cyclostyled circulars. They are also known as publication media. The degree of readers’ interest in the advertising con­tent depends on the vehicle.

What is media strategy?

The media strategy is a supportive strategy of all these strategies. Advertising is the dominant function of the marketing function. Therefore, the media or advertising strategy may play a significant role in the formulation of marketing strategies.

What is the appeal of newspapers?

Newspapers have a general and wide appeal. It is very common method of publicity. Newspapers are flexible and timely. Repeat advertising is possible. Periodical change in size and contents is also easy. Selective advertising to some extent is available. Effectiveness of advertising can be estimated by having keyed advertisements. Newspapers offer promotional assistance. They cure the best source of market information.
