which of the following is not one of the four main types of availability concerns? course hero

by Wilfrid Kertzmann 4 min read

What is availability of information in information security?

Nov 20, 2020 · Computer Science questions and answers. QUESTION 1 Which of the following refers to the process of ensuring that the items in each domain of the IT infrastructure meet or exceed security goals? Intrusion detection system (IDS) …

What is meant by availability?

May 18, 2019 · View THEO 104 WEEK 1 TEST.docx from THEO 104 at Liberty University. Question 1 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is not one of the four types of

What is availability in CIA triad?

Feb 06, 2017 · Which of the following are types of validity choose 2. Which of the following are types of validity? (Choose 2) Certain Predictive Unrelated criterion Concurrent Unpredictable Face Convergent Construct analysis makes orderly evaluations out of subjective views. factor of measures make sure that the measure remains the same over time. stability.

Which of the following is the computer main memory that is volatile?

What is business continuity and disaster recovery planning?

Explanation: The business continuity and disaster recovery planning domain covers topics such as business continuity planning, including conducting a business impact analysis and developing a recovery strategy and a disaster recovery plan.

What is Mandatory Access Control?

Explanation: Mandatory access control is also called nondiscretionary access control and is most commonly used in military and government systems. In this type of access control, the system decides who has access to resources based on subjects, objects, and labels.

What is the telecommunications and network security domain?

Explanation: The telecommunications and network security domain covers securing network topologies and network components, understanding secure network architecture and design such as V PNs, and understanding network attacks , such as denial of service and spoofing attacks.

What is multifactor authentication?

Explanation: Multifactor authentication involves using more than one factor (authentication method) for authentication. Passwords and PIN, smart cards and USB drives, and iris and retina scans represent a single factor. Smart card and PIN involves two factors: something you have and something you know.

What is the AES key?

The same key that Bob used to encrypt the message. Explanation: AES is a private/symmetric key algorithm. Symmetric key encryption uses one shared key to encrypt and decrypt data, so Alice needs to use the same key Bob used to encrypt the data to decrypt the message. Bob sends Alice an encrypted message using RSA.
