which of the following is not one of the elements of the domain name system (dns) course hero

by Maymie Mertz 10 min read

What is Domain Name System (DNS) in application layer?

Mar 05, 2018 · The Domain Name System (DNS) is comprised of four elements; which of the following is NOT one of these elements? A. DNS database B. …

What is the difference between DNS and name server?

Jul 24, 2018 · Question 38 1 the domain name system dns is comprised. QUESTION 38 1. The Domain Name System (DNS) is comprised of four elements; which of the following is NOT one of these elements? IP addresses. 4 points QUESTION 39 1. Atmospheric absorption occurs because of _______. water and oxygen content. 4 points QUESTION 40 1. The ________ layer covers ...

What is DNS and how does it work?

1.Domain name system DNS is implemented as a _____ of names and are organized in a hierarchy reflecting the structure of the domain names Select one: a. Relational database b. Distributed database c. Network database d. Hierarchical Databases e. Document database 2.Which of the following scheduling mechanisms can achieve fairness? Select one: a.

What is a domain name a DNS zone?

Sep 23, 2015 · Discussion. - The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers and services or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. - DNS is the client server application. A host which wants to map a name to address or vice versa calls a DNS client named as resolver.

What are the different types of domains?

Domain :#N#There are various kinds of DOMAIN : 1 Generic domain : .com (commercial) .edu (educational) .mil (military) .org (non profit organization) .net (similar to commercial) all these are generic domain. 2 Country domain .in (india) .us .uk 3 Inverse domain if we want to know what is the domain name of the website. Ip to domain name mapping.So DNS can provide both the mapping for example to find the ip addresses of geeksforgeeks.org then we have to type nslookup www.geeksforgeeks.org.

What is DNS in the Internet?

DNS ( Domain Name System) = Name service in Internet – Zone is an administrative unit, domain is a subtree. The host request the DNS name server to resolve the domain name. And the name server returns the IP address corresponding to that domain name to the host so that the host can future connect to that IP address.

Why is DNS used?

So DNS is used to convert the domain name of the websites to their numerical IP address. Domain : There are various kinds of DOMAIN :

What is root name server?

Root name servers – It is contacted by name servers that can not resolve the name. It contacts authoritative name server if name mapping is not known. It then gets the mapping and return the IP address to the host.

What is DNS in the Internet?

There are different forms of name resolution in the Internet, but the most prevalent and important one uses a distributed database system known as the Domain Name System (DNS). DNS runs as an application on the Internet, using IPv4 or IPv6 (or both). For scalability, DNS names are hierarchical, as are the servers that support name resolution.

What is a domain name?

A domain name consists of a sequence of labels separated by periods. The name represents a location in the name hierarchy, where the period is the hierarchy delimiter and descending down the tree takes place from right to left in the name.

What is DNS in TCP?

DNS is a distributed client/server networked database used by TCP/IP applications to map between host names and IP addresses ( and vice versa), to provide capabilities like electronic mail routing information and service naming.

What is a FQDN?

The example names we have seen so far are known as fully qualified domain names (FQDNs). They are sometimes written more formally with a trailing period (e.g., mit.edu. ). This trailing period indicates that the name is complete; no additional information should be added to the name when performing a name resolution.

What is an unqualified domain name?

An unqualified domain name, which is used in combination with a default domain or domain search list set during system configuration, has one or more strings appended to the end. During configuration, system is typically assigned a default domain extension and search list using DHCP. For example, the default domain cs.berkeley.edu might be configured in systems at the computer science department at UC Berkeley. If a user on one of these machines types in the name vangogh, the local resolver software converts this name to the FQDN vangogh.cs.berkeley.edu. before invoking a resolver to determine vangogh ’s IP address.

What is NSCD in Linux?

In Linux , the Name Service Caching Daemon (NSCD) provides a client-side caching capability. It is controlled by the /etc/nscd.conf file that can indicate which types of resolutions (for DNS and some other services) are cached, along with some cache parameters such as TTL settings. T

What is DNS response?

A DNS response may carry information in the answer, authority, and additional information sections relating to the same domain name. For data labels the same characters would be repeated in the DNS message when referring to the same name. To avoid this redundancy and save space, a compression scheme is used.