which of the following is not needed for light-independent reactions to occur? course hero

by Layne Hill IV 5 min read

Which of the following is not needed for light-independent reactions to occur?

Which of the following is not required for the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis? ATP, stroma, NADPH, and CO2 are required for the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis. H2O is not required for the Calvin cycle.

What are the requirements for light-independent reactions?

The requirements or ingredients for light-independent reactions are carbon dioxide and energy in the form of ATP and NADPH. The light-independent reactions take in these required ingredients and make glucose. ADP and NADP+ are energy carriers that go back from these reactions to the light-dependent reactions.

Which of the following is not associated with the light dependent reaction?

Bio Lab 2 testQuestionAnswerWhich of the following statements about light dependent reactions is NOT true?The cyclic electron pathway involves PSI and PSII.Which of the following is a significant coenzyme involved in photosynthesis?NADP+The oxygen given off by plants during photosynthesis comes fromH2O (water).56 more rows

Which of the following is not created during the light reactions?

Step 1. Light-dependent reactions, which occur in the thylakoid membranes of a chloroplast, is the first stage of photosynthesis. In this stage, ATP and NADPH are produced and these compounds are used by the Calvin cycle for producing glucose. Therefore, sugar is not produced by light-dependent reactions.

What are the requirements of light-independent reactions quizlet?

The L-D reactions require light energy and water, and the L-IND reactions require ATP, NADPH and CO2.

Which of the following does not happen during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

Answer and Explanation: Of the following, carbon fixation does not occur during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

Where do light-independent reactions occur?

stromaPhotosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts, the light-dependent reactions are located on the innermost membrane of chloroplasts called thylakoid membrane and light-independent reactions occur in the cytoplasm of the chloroplasts called stroma [17].

What are the four reactants needed for light reaction to occur?

The reactants of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide and water. These are the molecules necessary to begin the process. But one more item is necessary, and that is sunlight. All three components, carbon dioxide, water, and the sun's energy are necessary for photosynthesis to occur.

Which membrane has a large surface, for more light-dependent reactions to occur?

The thylakoid membrane has a large surface, for more light-dependent reactions to occur.

What reacts with carbon dioxide to form a 6 carbon compound?

Ribulose bisphosphate reacts with carbon dioxide to form a 6 carbon compound.

How long does it take for trise phosphate to have radioactivity?

Triose phosphate had a high percentage of radioactivity after 30 seconds.

What are the electrons that are lost from the reaction centre replaced by?

The electrons lost from the reaction centre are replaced by electrons derived from water.

Is the pH of the thylakoid lower than that of the stroma?

The pH within the thylakoid is lower than that of the stroma.

What is the product of the light-dependent reaction that uses in the Calvin cycle?

The product of the light-dependent reaction that uses in the Calvin cycle or the light independent cycle. Calvin cycle is the light independent cycle that involves the production of the glucose by converting carbon dioxide and other products of light reaction.

Where does light independent reaction take place?

The light-independent reaction takes place in the stroma a fluid-filled region of the chloroplast in the photosynthetic organisms.

What would the path look like if you were programming a robot to respond to touch?

If you were programming a robot to respond to touch, the path might look something like this: touch --> touch receptor --> computer processor--&