which of the following is not a purpose of the application form? course hero

by Trever Kris III 4 min read

What is the topic of organizational orientation?

In an organizational orientation program, the rights of managers and supervisors would be covered under the topic: Employees and union relations.

Should information related to food services and cafeteria be provided during an organizational orientation program?

Information related to food services and cafeteria should be provided during an organizational orientation program as opposed to during a departmental and job orientation program. True

What act prevents government agencies from making their employment records available to other organizations without the consent of the individual involved?

The Privacy Act of 1974 prevents government agencies from making their employment records available to other organizations without the consent of the individual involved. True

When to use a headhunter?

Headhunters are usually used when there is a requirement for a large number of low-skilled personnel in an organization. False

How to help human resource managers?

Spending more time with the line people, keeping a hand on the pulse of the organization, and learning to calculate costs and solutions in hard numbers are all suggestions that help human resource managers: Become more familiar with their businesses.

Is HRM a management or strategic role?

Today human resource management (HRM) is clearly isolated from both the management and the strategic planning process of an organization and occupies a purely administrative role. False

Is Redwing Advices Inc. on Truejobs?

RedWing Advices Inc. has decided to advertise job openings on Truejobs.com, a reputed online job portal. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using this source of recruitment? Too many applicants and unqualified candidates may be generated.

When is a conditional job offer made?

a. The conditional job offer is made when employment tests are passed. The permanent job offer is made when background checks are passed

What is recruiting process?

e. Recruiting is the process of seeking sources for job candidates

Is it easy to generate a pool of qualified candidates?

a. It is fairly easy to generate a pool of qualified candidates. People always need jobs

What is the purpose of job description?

e. The job description can be used to appraise whether an incumbent's actual duties line up wither her stated duties

Who is Wei Xu?

Wei Xu is the human resources manager of a medium-sized construction company based in China. his company just signed its first multi-million dollar contract to build a hotel in India. He needs to quickly hire a site manager, one familiar with Indian customs and the language. What should he do?

Why do colleges need a chief information officer?

Job attractiveness. A private college needs to hire a Chief Information Officer to bring the organization into the 21st century for computer usage and technology. The human resources area has been directed to hire a relative of a current employee, but no one has the technical skills or abilities needed.

Do civilians support the military?

While most Army Civilians historically support military forces at home stations, Army Civilians may also deploy with military forces to sustain theater operations.

Why are army civilians considered combatants?

Because Army Civilians take the same oath as the uniformed Officer members, Army Civilians station in overseas areas during times of war automatically are converted to a combatant status.

What does the Civilian Corps Creed say?

The Civilian Corps Creed states, "I will provide stability and continuity during peace and war." Which accurately addresses the deployability of Army Civilians?

Why are Teks important?

The most important benefit of the TEKS is to provide greater equity in the classroom instruction for all students.

Why do teachers need to follow the structure of the Teks?

The correct answer is that the skills develop upon one another and become more complex which is the reason why teachers need to follow the structure of the TEKS.

What is determining the level of rigor expected from students?

The correct answer is determining the level of rigor expected from students was how Bloom's Taxonomy was used in the development of the TEKS.

What is an activity that could be an example of the "knowledge" stage?

An activity that could be an example of the "knowledge" stage would be define the word "micromanagement."

Is "verbiage" a noun or verb?

The verbiage changed from nouns to verbs.

Where does rigor reside?

Rigor resides in the action the learner takes when learning new material.

What is the "creating" stage in Bloom's taxonomy?

In Bloom's Taxonomy, an example of the "creating" stage would be looking at a refrigeration problem at your local grocery store and developing a plan of action for your community.

When do you record a deed?

By law, all deeds must be recorded at the end of real property sales.

Is a contract for the purchase of real property verbal or written?

A contract for the purchase of real property may be either verbal or written.

What is a contract for the purchase of real property?

A contract for the purchase of real property may be either verbal or written. A purchase of real property includes the acquisition of fixtures, if such fixtures exist and are not excluded by contract. By law, all deeds must be recorded at the end of real property sales.
