which of the following is consistent with the concept of the “life course perspective” quizlet

by Eriberto Grant 6 min read

The following is consistent with the concept of the "life course perspective": adult development is dynamic and interactive. The political economy of aging is a recent model of social aging that is most closely related to: social exchange theory.

What is the life course perspective?

Updated October 28, 2019 The life course perspective is a sociological way of defining the process of life through the context of a culturally defined sequence of age categories that people are normally expected to pass through as they progress from birth to death.

What are the core principles of life course theory?

Glen Elder, in particular, began to advance core principles of life course theory, which he describes as defining "a common field of inquiry by providing a framework that guides research on matters of problem identification and conceptual development" (1998, p. 4).

Is there a distinct field of life course studies?

Until the mid-1960s, however, no distinct field of life course studies, with a focus on the variability of age patterns, developmental effects, and the implications of historical change, gained prominence.

What is the cultural conception of the life course?

Included in the cultural conceptions of the life course is some idea of how long people are expected to live and ideas about what constitutes “premature” or “untimely” death as well as the notion of living a full life — when and who to marry, and even how susceptible the culture is to infectious diseases.

What is life course perspectives quizlet?

Life Course Perspective. Perspective that looks at how chronological age, relationships, common life transitions, and social change shape people's lives from birth to death. Event History. The sequence of significant events, experiences, and transitions in a person's life from birth to death. Cohort.

Which of the following is an example of environmental press?

Which of the following is an example of environmental press? changes in memory, learning, adaptive capacity, personality, and mental functioning. social roles, relationship, and the overall context in which we grow old. focuses on preventing and managing disease in later life.

Which statement best describes divorce and remarriage in old age?

Which statement best describes divorce and remarriage in old age? For older persons the likelihood of remarriage is smaller than remarriage for younger age groups. Caregiver stress is increased by: living with the care recipient.

What is environmental press theory?

The environmental press theory is a theory of adaptation that focuses on person variables (competencies), environmental variables (environmental press), and the interaction between the two variables.

What does the environmental press theory try to explain?

Environmental Press Theory recognizes that individuals have different levels of competencies. To maintain an optimal level of challenge that continues to stimulate the older adult, the environment has to be adjusted to EACH INDIVIDUAL level of DYNAMIC competency.

Which of the following is a criticism of the family life cycle model quizlet?

Which of the following is a criticism of the family life cycle model? It is too narrowly focused on a sequence of stages.

Which of the following are accurate statements about the influence of attachment in old age?

Which of the following are accurate statements about the influence of attachment in old age? Attachment security is linked to competence in daily life in older adults. Avoidant attachment declines across the life span. Anxious attachment is lower for older adults than middle-aged adults.

What concerns how the primary aging process can either be hastened or slowed by lifestyle and behavior?

Primary aging concerns how the aging process can either be hastened or slowed by lifestyle and behavior. Dementia is a condition that involves numerous cognitive problems such as impaired memory, poor judgment, and the inability to control emotions.

What is life course perspective?

The life course perspective is a sociological way of defining the process of life through the context of a culturally defined sequence of age categories that people are normally expected to pass through as they progress from birth to death.

When was the life course concept first developed?

When the concept was first developed in the 1960s, the life course perspective hinged upon the rationalization of the human experience into structural, cultural and social contexts, pinpointing the societal cause for such cultural norms as marrying young or likelihood to commit a crime.

What is the life theory?

Life theory, though, relies on the intersection of these social factors of influence with the historical factor of moving through time, paired against personal development as an individual and the life-changing events that caused that growth.

What is included in the cultural conceptions of the life course?

Included in the cultural conceptions of the life course is some idea of how long people are expected to live and ideas about what constitutes “premature” or “untimely” death as well as the notion of living a full life — when and who to marry, and even how susceptible the culture is to infectious diseases. The events of one's life, ...

What does it mean to observe events of one's life?

The events of one's life, when observed from the life course perspective, add to a sum total of the actual existence a person has experienced, as it is influenced by the person's cultural and historical place in the world.

What is life course perspective?

The life course perspective is a broad approach that can be used in a variety of subject matters such as psychology, biology, history, and criminology. As a theory, the denotation establishes the connection between a pattern of life events and the actions that humans perform s.

What is the term used to describe the life course model?

As a result of this conclusion, the term ‘theoretical integration’ is often used when discussing life-course theory.

What is Mannheim's main focus?

From a criminological stance, the aspect of Mannheim’s discovery on the importance of influence is the primary focus. Although Mannheim’s research helped expand the life-course approach, generally in the social sciences field W.I Thomas and F. Znaniecki are the two sociologists credited to having ignited the broad theory.

What are the factors of childhood?

Factors in the childhood stage would include developmental events concerning mainly parental guidance (or lack thereof). A common factor throughout childhood is the one parent household case in which studies have shown cause a higher risk for criminal activity later in one’s life.

When putting the theory into practice, key assumptions should be acknowledged?

When putting the theory into practice, key assumptions should be acknowledge. An assumption made continually by life- course theory supporters regards human behavior as being affected by nurture rather than nature.

Who said that criminology is not a constant?

With this project, Sampson and Laub ultimately ended up contradicting one of criminology’s most popular theorists, Travis Hirschi, by stating “criminality is not a constant, but affected by the larger social forces which change over a life-course” (Yeager).

Who conducted the study of life course theory?

The main study to test the validity of the life-course theory was conducted by Laub and Sampson, who extraordinarily were able to follow the participants for an extremely long period of time which is a difficult task to accomplish in the social science field.

What is life course perspective?

Lesson Summary. Life course perspective is a theory used in the social sciences that looks at how a person grows and changes over time. Researchers using this theory may study a cohort, or a group of people born during a particular timeframe who've experienced similar historical events.

What is a transition in life?

A transition occurs when there is movement from one role or status to another over time. This transition to having less money occurred because of the life event of losing a job. Getting married, getting divorced, a loved one passing away, and having a baby, along with many other changes, are all considered life events.

How do life events affect a person's trajectory?

Life events influence a person's trajectory, an overall life path that involves multiple transitions. For a person growing up during the Depression, it was common for there to have been a certain trajectory prior to the economic downturn, and then a different trajectory afterwards.

What is a turning point in life?

This kind of transition is known as a turning point, a period of time that alters the life course trajectory. A turning point can include negative experiences, such as college savings being drained, as well as positive experiences, such as a renewed appreciation for the support of those helping to deal with the crisis.

What is life course perspective?

The life course perspective has been applied to several areas of family inquiry in North America (particularly in the United States ), as well as inter-nationally. Although space limitations do not permit full coverage of this vast body of work, several studies are highlighted to illustrate recent applications of the approach. In the United States, researchers have adopted this framework to investigate: men's housework (Coltrane and Ishii-Kuntz 1992); the timing of marriage and military service (Call and Teachman 1996); work history and timing of marriage (Pittman and Blanchard 1996); families, delinquency and crime (Sampson and Laub 1993) as well as many other substantive areas (Price et al. 2000).

Why is the life course perspective important?

During this decade, rapid social change and population aging drew attention to historical influences and to the complexity of processes underlying family change and continuity. Advances in statistical techniques also prompted the continued growth of life course studies, including the creation of new methodologies to analyze longitudinal data.

What are the elements that affect the ability to adapt to life course change?

Moreover, the ability to adapt to life course change can vary with the resources or supports inherent in these elements in the form of economic or cultural capital (e.g., wealth, education ) or social capital (e.g., family social support).

What is transition in psychology?

A transition is a discrete life change or event within a trajectory (e.g., from a single to married state), whereas a trajectory is a sequence of linked states within a conceptually defined range of behavior or experience (e.g., education and occupational career).

What are the principles of life course?

They include: (1) socio-historical and geographical location; (2) timing of lives; (3) heterogeneity or variability; (4) "linked lives" and social ties to others; (5) human agency and personal control; and (6) how the past shapes the future.

What is the meaning of life span?

Life span refers to duration of life and characteristics that are closely related to age but that vary little across time and place. In contrast, the life course perspective elaborates the importance of time, context, process, and meaning on human development and family life (Bengtson and Allen 1993).

How did Elder (1974) find that families in the Great Depression regained a measure of control over their

Elder (1974) found that families in the Great Depression regained a measure of control over their economic hardship through expenditure reductions and multiple family earners. In this way, families and individuals can construct, negotiate, and traverse life course events and experiences. How the past shapes the future.
