which of the following is an impact of the internet on consumers' shopping behavior course hero \

by Efren Haag 5 min read

Do consumer behavior principles that describe offline buying behavior apply to online?

False Many consumer behavior principles that describe offline buying behavior do not apply to online marketing. a. True b. False What are the main social/cultural trends that have impacted online exchange?

What do most online shoppers look for when shopping?

Most online shoppers have either a price or quality orientation. Consumers apply psychic resources when Web pages are difficult to comprehend. Unfortunately, over half of online shopping carts are abandoned.

What motivates consumers to buy on the Internet?

In order for e-marketers to create effective marketing strategies it is important to understand only what motivates consumers to buy in the short run. The Internet has moved from a utility to a novelty. Most online shoppers have either a price or quality orientation. Consumers apply psychic resources when Web pages are difficult to comprehend.

Do Internet users seek information online before buying products?

Few Internet users currently seek information online prior to buying products, although this segment holds huge growth potential. The most dramatic increase in online trade over the past two years has been in travel reservations. Telmatics is an online translation system for converting Web sites into multiple languages.


We are living in an era of technology. Internet and technology have developed rapidly and has reached each nook and corner of the world. Even most of the villagers in our country are now familiar with micro finance and digital money, it’s hard to imagine a time without it.


Digital Marketing refers to online marketing /internet marketing. We already have seen, currently there are almost 4.5 billion active internet users every day. It is undeniable that people rely on internet for their day to day life.


This study helped me to learn that Internet has played an important role in influencing the consumer buying behavior. Supported by up-to-date technology, consumer decision can be easily controlled.
