which of the following is an example of meladaptive coping course hero

by Dr. Carlos Rohan Sr. 7 min read

Which of the following is an example of a maladaptive coping strategy?

Examples of maladaptive coping strategies include avoidance behaviors like drinking, emotional numbing, gambling, and social withdrawal. Emotional masking, negative judgments, overcompensation, and relying on the same approach over and over to similar situations are also forms of maladaptive coping.

What are some examples of maladaptive behaviors?

Maladaptive behavior examplesAvoidance. Avoiding a threat or disengaging from unpleasantness is often the best move, especially for temporary things over which you have no control. ... Withdrawal. ... Passive-aggressiveness. ... Self-harm. ... Anger. ... Substance use. ... Maladaptive daydreaming.

What does maladaptive coping mean?

In these situations, there are two types of coping strategies – positive (adaptive) and negative (maladaptive). Maladaptive coping generally increases stress and anxiety, with examples including self-harm, binge eating and substance abuse.

What's maladaptive behavior?

Maladaptive behavior is defined as behavior that interferes with an individual's activities of daily living or ability to adjust to and participate in particular settings.

What is adaptive and maladaptive coping?

Adaptive coping strategies generally involve confronting problems directly, making reasonably realistic appraisals of problems, recognizing and changing unhealthy emotional reactions, and trying to prevent adverse effects on the body. Maladaptive coping includes using alcohol or drugs to escape problems.

Which of the following are maladaptive coping mechanism quizlet?

Which of the following are maladaptive coping mechanism? Passive-aggressive behavior,Recognition-seeking,Hostility and aggression and passive-aggressive behavior and Hostility and aggression (all the above).

What causes maladaptive coping?

Maladaptive strategies can arise from a disruption to the typical coping development sequence in response to (Wadsworth, 2015): Overwhelming stress – conflict within the family, financial hardship, death of a loved one, etc.

Which of the following accurately describes maladaptive behavior?

Social SciencePsychologyQ&A LibraryWhich of the following accurately describes maladaptive behavior? Maladaptive behavior does not necessarily pose a danger to others. People who behave in maladaptive ways are not legally responsible for their actions.