which of the following statements is true of trait and factor theorists’? course hero

by Nikolas Mraz 9 min read

What is the trait and factor theory?

The trait and factor theory operates under the premise that it is possible to measure both individual talents and the attributes required in particular jobs. It also assumes that people may be matched to an occupation that's a good fit.

What is a trait theory of personality?

Trait theorists place a greater emphasis on discovering the mechanisms underlying behavior than do theorists from other approaches to personality. Trait researchers generally are not interested in understanding and predicting the behavior of a single individual.

Who determines what traits to examine in a study?

the person rather than the researcher determines what traits to examine. it provides information about the relationship between traits and behavior. the person rather than the researcher determines what traits to examine.

Can the trait approach be used to predict behavior?

Trait researchers generally are not interested in understanding and predicting the behavior of a single individual. It is not easy to make comparisons across people with the trait approach. The trait approach has been responsible for generating a number of useful approaches to psychotherapy.

What are the two most ubiquitous traits?

The two strongest and most ubiquitous traits are neuroticism (N) and extraversion (E). Neuroticism reflects relative levels of emotions, and extraversion refers to relative levels of social gregariousness. C.

How is factor analysis used to measure personality traits?

Answer: A. Factor analysis is a mathematical technique for reducing a large number of observations to a cluster of closely related variables (or traits). Both Cattell and McCrae and Costa used factor analysis to measure personality traits or factors.

What is the third factor of neuroticism?

Neuroticism reflects relative levels of emotions, and extraversion refers to relative levels of social gregariousness. C. The third factor, openness to experience , distinguishes people who prefer variety and diverse experiences from those who gain comfort in familiar, conventional, and traditional things.

What are the three components of personality theory?

The three central components include (1) basic tendencies, (2) characteristic adaptations, and (3) self-concept.

What is the fifth factor?

The fifth factor—conscientiousness describes people who are ordered, controlled, ambitious, and self-disciplined. People who score low on this factor tend to be disorganized, negligent, lazy, and aimless, and they often lack perseverance. Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation.

Which method was used by McCrae and Costa?

The oblique rotation method was advocated by Cattell; the orthogonal rotation method was used by McCrae and Costa, the Five-Factor theorists.

Who developed the Five Factor Model?

The Five-Factor Model is a result of an evolution of the factor analysis method that began with Allport and was continued by Cattell in the 1940s. Costa and McCrae continued their work of factor analyzing major personality inventories until they reached a core set of five personality traits.

What is the advantage of idiographic approach?

it reveals common traits. the person rather than the researcher determines what traits to examine. it provides information about the relationship between traits and behavior .

What is trait research?

Trait researchers generally are not interested in understanding and predicting the behavior of a single individual. It is not easy to make comparisons across people with the trait approach. The trait approach has been responsible for generating a number of useful approaches to psychotherapy.

What is the meaning of the word "proprium"?

One's sense of self as a unified concept is called their proprium. The proprium is a child's undeveloped self-identity. Proprium describes the intersection of several secondary traits. One's sense of self as a unified concept is called their proprium.

What is the best approach to predicting change in personality?

The trait approach is the best approach for predicting change in personality. Most trait researchers do not focus on predicting behavior. Trait theorists place emphasis on identifying the mechanisms that determine behavior. No major schools of psychotherapy have evolved from the trait approach.

Why do some researchers fail to produce strong links between personality traits and behavior?

Some researchers argue that the reason for this failure is because. researchers don't perform the correct statistical analysis. researchers don't measure personality traits correctly. researchers don't measure behavior correctly. none of the above.

How is behavior determined?

behavior is determined by an interaction of personality and the situation. personality researchers need to measure behavior in more than one way. behavior is determined by an interaction of personality and the situation. Of the following statements, which best coveys what Allport meant by the term "proprium"? ...

Why does Carol hug Tom?

"If asked why Carol hugged Tom, we say it is because Carol is affectionate; however, if asked how we know Carol is affectionate , we say it is because she hugged Tom.".