which of the following is an advantage of credit cards? course hero

by Foster Koelpin 10 min read

Which of the following is an advantage of credit cards?

The biggest advantage of a credit card is its easy access to credit. Credit cards function on a deferred payment basis, which means you get to use your card now and pay for your purchases later. The money used does not go out of your account, thus not denting your bank balance every time you swipe.

What is the greatest advantage of using a credit card?

Credit cards offer benefits such as cash back rewards and fraud protection. But if mismanaged, credit cards can lead to debt, interest charges and damage to your credit.

What are 3 possible advantages of using a credit card?

The use of a credit card, instead of cash or personal funds, offers the following advantages: Building credit history. A quick source of funds in an “absolute” emergency. No accrued interest if bill is paid on time and in full each month.

What are 4 advantages of using credit?

The Benefits of Using CreditSave on interest and fees. ... Manage your cash flow. ... Avoid utility deposits. ... Better credit card rewards. ... Emergency fund backup plan. ... Avoid and limit financial fraud. ... Purchase and travel protections. ... Don't underestimate the power of good credit.

What is an advantage of using a credit card quizlet?

One advantage of using a credit card is that you receive a list of your purchases, which enables you to keep track of your spending. Advantages of using credit include the ability to make purchases without cash and the convenience of not carrying checks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a credit card?

The pros of credit cards range from convenience and credit building to 0% financing, rewards and cheap currency conversion. The cons of credit cards include the potential to overspend easily, which leads to expensive debt if you don't pay in full, as well as credit score damage if you miss payments.

How do you take advantage of credit cards?

8 tips to make credit cards work for you, not against youPay your bill in full every month. ... Never pay your bill late. ... Log on to your account. ... Use your card as a compliment to your budget. ... Know your limits. ... Only use your credit card for big purchases. ... Take advantage of all the rewards you can. ... Choose cards with extra perks.More items...•

What is meant by credit card explain the advantages of credit card?

Credit cards let consumers buy products on low-cost EMIs. Credit cards operate on the 'buy now, pay later' principle which works well for salaried individuals with fixed monthly salaries. Alternative to cash: Credit cards eliminate the need for carrying cash around for shopping.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of credit quizlet?

Two advantages of having credit are that it expands your purchasing power and raises your standard of living and is convenient. Two disadvantages of having credit include that the purchases cost more over time and it can lead to overspending.

What are the advantages of credit class 10?

AnswerConvenient – Using credit while traveling or shopping can be more convenient than carrying cash. ... Allows use of other people's money – during the time you purchase something and when you pay it off, you are using someone else's money.Immediate – unexpected costs like a car repair can be met quickly.More items...•