which of the following is a sign of a reliable diet promotion? course hero

by Erik Blanda 4 min read

What are the components of health promotion?

Health promotion: four components: nutritional awareness. - Understanding the importance of a healthy diet that supplies all essential nutrients. - Understanding the relationship between diet and disease is an important facet of a person's self-care.

What is the definition of health promotion?

- Example: routine physical exams. Health promotion: definition. - Those activities that assist people in developing resources that maintain or enhance well-being and improve their quality of life. Health promotion: purpose. - Focus on the person's potential for wellness ...

How to promote health promotion in nursing?

- Assess the patient's current nutrition through a 1-3 day food diary. - Recommend the patient eat a healthy breakfast every morning. - Recommend the patient avoid fast food. - Demonstrate the use of food labels to make healthier choices.
