which of the following is a reason for taking a research methods course

by Jillian Crist I 3 min read

Why should I take a course in research methods?

a. A course in research methods can help with other psychology courses. b. A course in research methods can help with research that students may conduct in their post-graduation jobs. c. A course in research methods can help students become more savvy consumers of research. d. All of above. 1.

What is a Research Methods degree?

I like to think of Research Methods as the science portion of the library and information science degree. Just as scientists write reports on their data and findings after conducting a study, information professionals should also be able to perform research and share their results.

How does a research methods course differ from a course in psychology?

1. A research methods course differs from a course in developmental psychology by emphasizing Nice work! You just studied 50 terms! Now up your study game with Learn mode. 1. What do the preface to Wundt's Principles of Physiological Psychology and the original constitution of the American Psychological Association have in common?

Which approach would you take in your attempt to study science?

If, in your attempt to study science, you took an empirical approach you would take the approach which has come to be known as a. revolutionary science. b. logical positivism.

Why do agencies need to perform an evaluation?

a. they might need to perform an evaluation to determine the effectiveness of an agency's program

Is it essential for admission to most graduate schools?

b. it is essential for admission to most graduate schools

Do psychologists need to apply research results?

d. none of the above—professional psychologists only need to apply the results of research; they need not be familiar with how the research was done

Is authority knowledge based on subjective experience?

c. it is almost certain that the authority's knowledge is based on subjective experience only

Who should learn research methodology?

Who should learn Research Methodology? Undergraduate medical students need to learn it for a stronger foundation for their future; postgraduate students have no choice as a thesis/dissertation is the requirement for a Masters degree. General practitioners or consultants involved in private practice cannot shy away from understanding research as they have to deal with different types of cases which may not be straight forward enough. Consultants holding teaching posts, have to guide their students for conducting their thesis. All those who hold administrative posts have to take decisions for their organizations and the research outcomes help them to a large extent in this regard. Policy makers take the help of research while framing policies. Hence, anyone who is related to medical science needs to understand research.

Why should I do research?

Why should I do research? In the era of EBM, all decisions regarding investigations, diagnosis and treatment are taken on the basis of research. We constantly strive to improve, through research, the management of a particular case. The wider cause for conducting research is to improve patient care, a great service to the mankind. The other narrower reasons could be personal satisfaction of contributing to science and the society, recognition and appreciation by peer in the profession, acquiring a job, getting a job promotion or even to retain a job. We are fast approaching towards the publish or perish principle adopted by the west.

What does a consultant do in a teaching post?

Consultants holding teaching posts, have to guide their students for conducting their thesis. All those who hold administrative posts have to take decisions for their organizations and the research outcomes help them to a large extent in this regard. Policy makers take the help of research while framing policies.

Why is it important to have a good foundation for research?

Having a good foundation of research at any level may help in pursuing a research career in the future. Any treatment instituted on the basis of published evidence in a peer- reviewed journal becomes a very good defence for doctors in the court of law in cases of dispute.

Is medical science an exact science?

However, we should realize that medical science is not an exact science like physics or many other branches of science. For example we have been successful in sending unmanned space craft to the moon with precision and can accurately predict a lunar eclipse even 500 years from now.

Is epidemiology covered in undergraduate curriculum?

In the undergraduate curriculum research methodology and epidemiology is covered under preventive and social medicine. Unfortunately, not too much importance is given either by the teachers or by the students at the undergraduate level of learning.

How does a research methods course differ from a course in developmental psychology?

1. A research methods course differs from a course in developmental psychology by emphasizing

How can experiences be a valuable guide to the truth?

1. Our experiences can be a valuable guide to the truth, but drawing firm conclusions from experience can be affected by our tendencies to ignore events that don't support our beliefs. That is , we sometimes . a. use the availability heuristic.

What is the most important characteristic of psychological science?

1. A major characteristic of psychological science is its objectivity, which means that

Why must there be some first cause greater than all the rest?

a. Because all events have causes, there must be some First Cause greater than all the rest

Do students change their answers on multiple choice questions?

1. Students sometimes change their answers on multiple-choice questions. Many students believe that the most common outcome is that they change from the correct answer to a wrong answer, despite research that shows that students more often change from an incorrect answer to a correct one.

What are the topics in research methods?

Topics include evaluating programs and services, reference evaluation, information literacy assessment, historical research, and action research.

Is 285 a good semester?

There is a lot of work involved in the research process, a lot of reading, writing, synthesizing, and editing. I wouldn’t recommend taking 285 during a busy semester or tacking it onto an already full load. But don’t keep it hidden away, either, because eventually you will have to add it to your schedule.

What can a course in research methods do?

A course in research methods can help with other psychology courses, a course in research methods can help with research that students may conduct in their post-graduation jobs, a course in research methods can help students become more savvy consumers of research

What is the general plan for selecting participants, assigning participants to experimental conditions, controlling extraneous variables, and?

The general plan for selecting participants, assigning participants to experimental conditions, controlling extraneous variables, and gathering data is known as the OR The general plan for conducting research and gathering data is the. research design.

What is a paragraph from a source?

A paragraph from a source is used and the writer rearranges a few words in each sentence so that quote marks are unnecessary.

Why do people use alcohol?

Substance abusers use alcohol to self-medicate for psychiatric symptoms.

Does a brief intervention targeting college student binge drinkers reduce alcohol consumption more than a wait-list condition?

A brief intervention targeting college student binge drinkers will statistically reduce alcohol consumption more than a wait- list condition

Does a researcher share her findings?

A researcher's results are not statistically significant, and thus she does not share her findings via a professional conference or publication. By doing so, she

What happens to study time as exam grades increase?

a. As study time increased, exam grades increased at first and then decreased.

What is the study that Anton read about?

Anton and his friends are discussing a study he read about in his developmental psychology class. In the study, the researcher made the claim that most middle school students who are bullied have low self-esteem. Clarissa questions the study, saying, "I am not sure that I am convinced. I am not sure you can really measure being bullied." Quinn also questions the study, saying, "Which middle school students did they study? I am curious if they included both private and public school students." Manish is also curious about the study, asking, "I wonder how strong the relationship is between bullying and self-esteem. Could you predict one from the other?" Manish's concern is addressing which of the following?
