which of the following is a fundamental quality of useful accounting information? course hero

by Dr. Chester Monahan PhD 6 min read

What are the fundamental qualitative characteristics of accounting information?

15.Which of the following is a fundamental quality of useful accounting information a. Conservatism. b. Comparability. c. Faithful representation. d. Consistency.

Which financial information exhibits the characteristic of consistency?

Dec 16, 2019 · Accounting information is considered to be relevant when it. a. can be depended on to represent the economic conditions and events that it is intended to represent . b. is capable of making a difference in a decision . c. is understandable by reasonably informed users of accounting information .

What should result from a coherent set of Accounting Standards and rules?

The two fundamental qualities that make accounting information useful for decision making are: a. relevance and faithful representation. b. comparability and consistency. c. materiality and timeliness. d. reliability and comparability.

What are the three components of accounting information?

25. The two fundamental qualities that make accounting information useful for decision making are a. comparability and timeliness. b. materiality and neutrality. c. relevance and faithful representation. d. faithful representation and comparability.

Which of the following is a fundamental quality of useful accounting information?

Relevance and faithful representation are the two primary qualities that make accounting information useful for decision making. The idea of consistency does not mean that companies cannot switch from one accounting method to another. Timeliness and neutrality are two ingredients of relevance.

What are the fundamental qualities of useful information?

Answer and Explanation: The two fundamental qualities of useful information are a. relevance and faithful representation.

What is the quality of information that is capable of making a difference in a decision?

Relevant information is capable of making a difference in a decision. Relevant information helps users to make predictions about the outcomes of past, present, and future events, or to confirm or correct prior expectations. Relevant information can, in some instances, be both predictive and confirmatory.

What are the qualitative characteristics that enhance the decision usefulness of relevant information faithfully represented in financial statements?

Qualitative characteristics of accounting information that impact how useful the information is:Verifiability.Timeliness.Understandability.Comparability.

What is useful information accounting?

Relevance and reliability are the two primary qualities that make accounting information useful for decision making.

What are the quality of good information?

There are five traits that you'll find within data quality: accuracy, completeness, reliability, relevance, and timeliness – read on to learn more. Is the information correct in every detail?May 7, 2021

Which of the following is a fundamental quality of useful accounting information quizlet?

Relevance and faithful representation are the two primary qualities that make accounting information useful for decision making. The idea of consistency does not mean that companies cannot switch from one accounting method to another. Timeliness and neutrality are two ingredients of relevance.

What makes financial information useful discuss the fundamental qualitative characteristics?

Enhancing qualitative characteristics provide additional benefit and usefulness in the financial reporting information. Therefore, the four important characteristics which are comparability, verifiability, timeliness and understandability should be extent widely.

Which of the following ingredients of fundamental qualities is part of faithful representation?

To be Faithful Representation: Information must be complete, neutral and free from Error.

What is the fundamental qualitative characteristics?

The two fundamental qualitative characteristics of financial reports are relevance and faithful representation. The four enhancing qualitative characteristics are comparability, verifiability, timeliness and understandability.Oct 1, 2021

Which of the following is one of the fundamental qualitative characteristics?

The fundamental qualitative characteristics of useful financial information are relevance and faithful representation.

What are the two fundamental qualities of accounting information?

The fundamental qualities of accounting information are relevance and reliability, also known as representational faithfulness. If accounting data is to be relevant and useful to decision makers if must be timely.

What are the principles of accounting?

Generally accepted accounting principles#N#a. are fundamental truths or axioms that can be derived from laws of nature .#N#b. derive their authority from legal court proceedings.#N#c. derive their credibility and authority from general recognition and acceptance by the accounting profession.#N#d. have been specified in detail in the FASB conceptual framework.

Why is the building Lorna bought worth $50,000?

The corporation recorded the building as a $50,000 asset because Lorna believes that is the real value of the building.

How much was Blackstone's assets in 2012?

On January 1, 2012, Blackstone Company reported assets of $1,000,000 and liabilities of $600,000. During 2012 assets decreased by $200,000 and equity decreased $250,000.

What is the matching principle?

"Matching Principle" is best described as: the principle that expenses should be recorded in the period resources are used to generate revenues.

How much does Alpaca Corporation owe?

A. Alpaca Corporation had revenues of $320,000 in its first year of operations. The company has not collected on $20,300 of its sales and still owes $28,400 on $98,000 of merchandise it purchased. The company had no inventory on hand at the end of the year. The company paid $14,100 in salaries.

How much does Tri Fecta owe?

Tri Fecta, a partnership, had revenues of $379,000 in its first year of operations. The partnership has not collected on $46,300 of its sales and still owes $39,800 on $175,000 of merchandise it purchased. There was no inventory on hand at the end of the year. The partnership paid $32,700 in salaries.

What is the purpose of GAAP?

Is less important than in U.S. GAAP. Includes serving as a guide for practitioners when a specific standard does not apply. Primarily involves guiding standard setters to make sure that standards are consistent with each other. Has resulted primarily from a convergence with U.S. GAAP.
