which of the following is a fiduciary fund course

by Mrs. Maci Block 8 min read

Which of the following is a fiduciary fund?

The fiduciary fund category includes pension (and other employee benefit) trust funds, investment trust funds, private-purpose trust funds and agency funds.” Examples of fiduciary funds a city may have include a law enforcement trust fund and firemen's pension fund.Jan 29, 2022

What are the 4 fiduciary funds?

A fiduciary fund is used in governmental accounting to report on assets held in trust for others.
The fiduciary funds classification includes the following funds:
  • Agency funds. ...
  • Investment trust funds. ...
  • Pension and employee benefit trust funds. ...
  • Private-purpose trust funds.
Mar 3, 2022

What are fiduciary funds in education?

These funds account for assets held by a school district in a trustee capacity for others (e.g., members and beneficiaries of pension plans and other postemployment benefit [OPEB] plans, external investment pools, or private-purpose trust arrangements) and that therefore cannot be used to support the school district's ...

What are the four types of fiduciary funds and the function of each?

Types of Fiduciary Funds

Investment Trust Funds. Pension and Employment Benefit Trust Funds. Private-Purpose Trust Funds.

What are custodial funds?

Custodial Funds means all funds held by Servicer with respect to the related Mortgage Loans, including all principal and interest funds, and any other funds due the Investor, maintained by Servicer relating to the Mortgage Loans.

What type of fund is a custodial fund?

Fiduciary Fund
What are Custodial Funds? Custodial Funds, a type of Fiduciary Fund, are used to report fiduciary activities that are not required to be reported in pension and other post-employment benefit trust funds, investment trust funds, or private-purpose trust funds.Apr 26, 2021

What is an example of a proprietary fund?

Examples of Proprietary Funds include interfund loans, proceeds of tax-supported bond issues, as well as transfers from other relevant governments.

What is special fund?

Special Fund means any and all government fees and other revenue receipts earmarked to finance a governmental agency to which no general fund appropriation is made by the state.

What is an example of an internal service fund?

An internal service fund is a fund used in governmental accounting to track goods or services shifted between departments on a cost reimbursement basis. An example of an internal service fund is a maintenance department that provides equipment maintenance services to other departments.Mar 20, 2022

What are fiduciary assets?

Put in a more technical way, a fiduciary is an individual or company holding assets for another party, often with the legal authority and duty to make decisions regarding financial matters on behalf of that party. The word fiduciary also denotes a legal duty of loyalty and faithfulness towards another.Dec 3, 2019

What are the five fund types within the governmental funds?

Governmental funds are classified into five fund types: general, special revenue, capital projects, debt service, and permanent funds.

What are proprietary and fiduciary funds?

Proprietary funds – used to account for business-type activities (such as activities supported, at least in part, by fees or charges). Fiduciary funds – used to account for resources held by an agency as a trustee or custodial capacity for outside parties.