which of the following is a drawback to the regulatory approach? course hero

by Ariel Lehner 10 min read

What are three arguments against the use of safety regulations?

Feb 17, 2017 · Question 5 5 out of 3.6 points Which of the following is a drawback to the regulatory approach? Selected Answer : regulation can take away an industry ’s incentive to do more than the minimum Correct Answer : regulation can take away an industry ’s incentive to do more than the minimum

Is regulation always the most effective way to allocate the costs?

Aug 17, 2016 · Question 11 5 out of 5 points Which of the following is a drawback to the. ... Course Title BUSINESS 309; Type. Test Prep. Uploaded By msmiaa. Pages 7 Ratings 100% (10) 10 out of 10 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 5 - 7 out of 7 pages. ...

Do safety regulations succeed in increasing safety?

Feb 26, 2017 · View full document. Question 3 5 out of 5 points Which of the following is a drawback to the regulatory approach? Selected Answer: regulation can take away an industry’s incentive to do more than the minimum Correct Answer: regulation can take away an industry’s incentive to do more than the minimum. Selected Answer : regulation can take ...

Why do environmental regulations benefit us?

Some environmental regulations (like forbidding the burning of coal in cities) benefit in each and every one of us because the air we all breather is cleaner. If an individual ignores the regulation and burns coal, while others obey the regulation, then he or she. a. violates our right to a livable environment.

What is the definition of ecology?

The word "ecology" refers to the science of the interrelationships among organisms and their environment. a. true. b. false. a. true. The word "ecosystem" refers to a total ecological community, both living and non-living. a. true.

What is the tragedy of the commons?

The "tragedy of the commons" is#N#a. the lack of a commons- a common place where people can come together#N#b. the failure to appreciate what we have in common with other species#N#c. that cost-benefit analysis involves value judgements that we do not share in common#N#d. that individual pursuit of self-interest can sometimes make people worse off.

Why are quality control circles important?

1) quality control circles are important. 2) middle managers are affected by the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the workers they supervise . 3) attention and recognition can enhance worker productivity and motivation. 4) trade-offs have to be made between productivity and quality of work life.

Why do environmental regulations benefit us?

Some environmental regulations (like forbidding the burning of coal in cities) benefit each and every one of us because the air we all breather is cleaner. If an individual ignores the regulation and burns coal, while others obey the regulation, then he or she. 1) violates our right to a livable environment.

What is the tragedy of the commons?

The "tragedy of the commons" is. 1) the lack of a commons¾a common place where people can come together. 2) the failure to appreciate what we have in common with other species. 3) that cost-benefit analysis involves value judgments that we do not share in common.

Why are tropical forests important?

2) Because of technological breakthroughs, people living in developed countries put less strain on the environment than do people in poorer countries. 3) There are only about 1000 species of animals left in the world.

What are the causes of dissatisfaction in the workplace?

One of the three chief sources for dissatisfaction in the workplace is. 1) lack of opportunities to be promoted faster. 2) lack of opportunities to have a company vehicle. 3) lack of opportunities to have one's own office. 4) lack of opportunities to be one's own boss.

Is sexual harassment a form of discrimination?

4) sexual harassment is a form of discrimination. 1) workers are often unaware of the hazards they face on the job. The most accurate statement about workplace safety is: 1) workers are often unaware of the hazards they face on the job. 2) employees, not their employers, are responsible for creating a safe workplace.

What is the principle of absolute liability?

3) the idea that consumers and sellers do not meet as equals and that consumer's interests are particularly vulnerable to being harmed by the manufacturer. 4) based on the principle of absolute liability.

What is legal paternalism?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has the power to order recalls. Legal paternalism is the doctrine that the law. a. may justifiably restrict the freedom of the individual for his or her own good.

What is company loyalty?

a. company loyalty is an outmoded, illegitimate concept that employees today reject. b. the traditional law of agency obliges employees to act loyally and in good faith and to carry out lawful instructions.