which of the following is a disadvantage associated with longitudinal research designs? course hero

by Clementina Reilly 4 min read

What are the disadvantages of longitudinal studies?

List of Disadvantages of Longitudinal Studies 1 They require huge amounts of time. 2 They risk gathering data that is not 100% reliable. 3 They would risk experiencing panel attrition. 4 They require a large sample size. 5 They can be more expensive compared with cross-sectional studies.

What is the difference between retro and longitudinal research?

- retroactive study involves historical data, often in comparison to updated data. Nice work! You just studied 12 terms! Now up your study game with Learn mode. What is longitudinal research? -can extend over years or even decades. panel, cohort, retrospective. - retroactive study involves historical data, often in comparison to updated data.

What is the difference between cross-sectional research design and longitudinal research design?

15. The difference between cross-sectional research design and longitudinal research designs is that: A. Longitudinal studies assess change in behavior over time, whereas cross-sectional studies assess differences among groups of people. 16.

What is the difference between longitudinal studies and advertising studies?

In medicine, for example, longitudinal studies are used to discover predictors or indicators of certain diseases, while in advertising, they are used to determine changes that a campaign has made in the behavior of consumers who belong to its target audience and have seen the advertisement.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a longitudinal research design?

Longitudinal studies require enormous amounts of time and are often quite expensive. Because of this, these studies often have only a small group of subjects, which makes it difficult to apply the results to a larger population.

What is the main disadvantage of a longitudinal design is?

The main disadvantage of longitudinal surveys is that long-term research is more likely to give unpredictable results. For example, if the same person is not found to update the study, the research cannot be carried out.

Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with longitudinal research group of answer choices?

There are several disadvantages to longitudinal research. One is that researchers can experience attrition by participants. People can drop out of the study over time, leaving you with a much smaller and potentially biased sample. Another disadvantage is that longitudinal research is expensive and takes a long time.

What is a disadvantage of longitudinal research quizlet?

They require enormous amounts of time. Another huge drawback to any longitudinal study is the great amount of time it needs to collect all the data that is needed. Usually, it takes a long period of time to gather results before you can start making patterns.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of longitudinal research design?

What are the pros and cons of a longitudinal study? Longitudinal studies are better to establish the correct sequence of events, identify changes over time, and provide insight into cause-and-effect relationships, but they also tend to be more expensive and time-consuming than other types of studies.

What are problems with longitudinal research?

However, the longitudinal survey also has significant problems, notably in confounding aging and period effects, delayed results, achieving continuity in funding and research direction, and cumulative attrition.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of longitudinal design in lifespan developmental psychology?

Figure 4.Research DesignAdvantagesDisadvantagesLongitudinalExamines changes within individuals over time Provides a developmental analysisExpensive Takes a long time Participant attrition Possibility of practice effects Limited to one cohort Time in history effects confounded with age changes2 more rows

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the longitudinal?

1. They require huge amounts of time. Time is definitely a huge disadvantage to any longitudinal study, as it typically takes a substantial amount of time to collect all the data that is required. Also, it takes equally long periods to gather results before the patterns can even start to be made.

Which of the following is a limitation of the longitudinal design quizlet?

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the longitudinal design? d) Participants may drop out due to moving, loss of interest, or death.

What is a major disadvantage of the cross-sectional research design?

Disadvantages of Cross-Sectional Study Cannot be used to analyze behavior over a period to time. Does not help determine cause and effect. The timing of the snapshot is not guaranteed to be representative. Findings can be flawed or skewed if there is a conflict of interest with the funding source.

What are the advantages of longitudinal research?

Advantages of longitudinal research. = collecting data from long periods help in determining patterns, cause and effect relationships and connections. = these studies are high in validity and are great for picking up long-term changes. = shows changes in attitudes/behaviours over time. = researcher get to know respondents well - strong ...

How many times should a longitudinal study be repeated?

Data in longitudinal studies are often more extensive than data from cross-sectional studies. - Repeat the study at least two times , at a given time interval. - Ensure that variables are kept consistent OR take in account any extraneous variables that may affect data. Examples of longitudinal studies.

What are the disadvantages of snapshot research?

Disadvantages of snapshot research. -snapshot studies aren't fit to make conclusive observations about trends. -less valid as hawthorne effect may affect their answers or their mood that day might influence their answers. Longitudinal VS Snapshot.

What is snapshot research?

a snapshot (also called cross-sectional) study is also a kind of observational research that compares multiple sample groups at the same time. Not longitudinal where you learn from one/a select sample size over a long period of time but here you collect data from many subjects at once.