which of the following is a benefit that employers must provide? course hero

by Milo Parisian 10 min read

Which of the following is a legally required benefit?

The legally required benefits covered in this issue of Program Perspectives are Social Security, Medicare, federal and state unemployment insurance, and workers' compensation.

What is a major employee benefit that employers offer to their employees?

Health insurance is one of the most popular employee benefits offered by employers. It's important to note that because of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), employers with more than 50 full-time employees must offer medical insurance through their employee benefits programs.

Which of the following statements best describes benefits that employers must provide under workers compensation?

Which of the following statements best describes benefits that employers must provide under workers' compensation? Cash benefits, medical care, and rehabilitation services to employees for injuries or illnesses occurring within the scope of their employment.

Which of the following is a legally required benefit mandated by laws and government regulations?

Social security and Medicare are two federally mandated benefits programs that all employees in the U.S. pay into while they work and then benefit from later in life.

Which of the following is a benefit that employers must provide?

Vacation, health insurance, long-term disability coverage, tuition reimbursement, and retirement savings plans are just a few of the many benefits employers may offer employees.

What are employee benefits?

Employee Benefits: DefinitionEmployee benefits are defined as the non-wage compensation provided to employees by an organization in addition to their normal salaries or wages.These benefits may include, group insurance (health, dental, life etc.)More items...

What is the employer's advantage in offering workers compensation?

What is the employer's advantage in offering workers' compensation? The employer can avoid a lawsuit by an injured worker.

Which of the following claims would not be covered under workers compensation insurance?

Intentional acts: When a worker intentionally causes their workplace injuries or illnesses, they are not covered under a Workers' Comp insurance policy. Illegal activities: Employee injuries due to illegal activities at the worksite are not covered by an organization's Workers' Compensation insurance policy.

Which of the following is an advantage of perquisites?

Which of the following is an advantage of perquisites? Perks offer substantial tax savings because some of them are not taxed as income. In a straight piece-rate system, wages are determined by: multiplying the number of units produced by the piece rate for one unit.

What benefits are employers legally required to provide quizlet?

Employers are required to make contributions on behalf of their employees to: social security, unemployment insurance, workers compensation.

Which of the following employee benefits is mandated by law quizlet?

Mandatory Benefits: Certain other benefits, including Social Security, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, and family and medical leave, are mandatory under federal or state law.

Which of the following is legally required of employee benefits policies?

Which of the following is legally required of employee benefits policies? Disabled employees must have equal health insurance coverage as other employees. Employee benefits are compensation provided to employees in forms of cash.