which of the following factors is not thought to influence criminality by life course quizlet

by Paxton Corwin 9 min read

What is the most important factor that impacts criminal behavior?

According to the Gluecks, the most important factor that impacts offending is: family relations Some theorists believe that criminality may be a part of a group of antisocial behaviors that cluster

Which is primarily considered a neurological factor that leads to crime?

Antisocial behavior from ADHD or CD that leads to crime would be primarily considered a: neurological factor. Arousal theory holds that some individuals: may seek aggression and violence to bring them up to comfortable stimulation levels. Which of the following is a strength of the view that genetic factors influence criminality?

What are the causes of criminality?

Some theorists believe that criminality may be a part of a group of antisocial behaviors that cluster together and typically involve family dysfunction, sexual and physical abuse, substance abuse, smoking, precocious sexuality and early pregnancy, educational underachievement, suicide attempts, sensation seeking, and unemployment. This is known as:

Do certain biological traits encourage criminal behavior?

Certain biological traits, when acted upon by environmental conditions, do encourage criminality. The individual vulnerability model: assumes that some people, more than others, are vulnerable to crime from birth. As trait theory has evolved out of sociobiology and biosocial theory, what aspect of it has remained essentially unchanged over time?

How do life course theorists view criminality quizlet?

Life course theory suggests that the development of a criminal career is a dynamic process. Behavior is influenced by individual characteristics as well as social experiences, and the factors that cause antisocial behaviors change dramatically over a person's life span.

Which of the following is a strength of the view that genetic factors influence criminality quizlet?

Which of the following is a strength of the view that genetic factors influence criminality? It explains why a small percentage of youths in high-crime areas become chronic offenders.

Which of these is a principle of the life course approach?

Life course theory has five distinct principles: (a) time and place; (b) life-span development; (c) timing; (d) agency; and (e) linked lives. We used these principles to examine and explain high-risk pregnancy, its premature conclusion, and subsequent mothering of medically fragile preterm infants.

Which problem behavior that could be considered part of problem behavior syndrome by life course theorists?

What are some of the behaviors that fall under the Problem Behavior Syndrome? Family dysfunction, abuse, sub. abuse, smoking, precocious sexuality + early pregnancy, educational underachievement, suicide attempts, sensation seeking, and unemployment.

Which of the following is an example of status frustration that can lead to criminality?

Which of the following is an example of status frustration that can lead to criminality? A person is accepted into college but cannot enroll due to a lack of money.

How does behavior modeling encourage criminality?

How does behavior modeling encourage criminality? By observing aggression from various sources and mimicking it. In which situation would a child be more likely to develop a psychopathic personality? Failing to form a strong emotional bond with parents.

What is the life course theory quizlet?

Life course theory argues that specific events in one's life motivate one to desist from crimes, and this eventually prompts an individual to lead a normal life. These events are called turning points.

What is the life course theory in criminology?

An assumption made continually by life-course theory supporters regards human behavior as being affected by nurture rather than nature. The theory recognizes that not one human is identical, but instead establishes that there are typical life phrases that are experienced in typical patterns.

What are the four main themes that frame life course theory?

Several fundamental principles characterize the life course approach. They include: (1) socio-historical and geographical location; (2) timing of lives; (3) heterogeneity or variability; (4) "linked lives" and social ties to others; (5) human agency and personal control; and (6) how the past shapes the future.

How Behavioural theory explains the source of problems in life?

Problem Behavior Theory was originally proposed by Richard Jessor as a way of predicting proneness to deviance (unconventionality) and suggests multiple variables that instigate or prevent problem behaviors, and the balance between these variables predict engagement in problem behavior.

What are some of the high risk behaviors seen in the problem behavior syndrome described by Jessor?

Problem behaviors include alcohol use, problem drinking, cigarette smoking, marijuana use, other illicit drug use, general deviant behavior (delinquent behaviors and other norm-violative acts), risky driving, and precocious sexual intercourse.

Which theory of criminal career development would suggest that his criminal conduct was influenced by his individual characteristics as well as social experiences?

Which theory of criminal career development would suggest that his criminal conduct was influenced by his individual characteristics, as well as social experiences? - Life course theory.