which of the following energy diagrams represents the course of an endothermic sn2 reaction

by Susan Rohan 6 min read

What are some examples of endothermic changes?

Examples of exothermic changes. Combustion, neutralisation, displacement, condensation. Examples of endothermic changes. Vaporisation, mel ting. Example of a temperature change that might occur in an exothermic reaction.

What is the difference between an endothermic and an exothermic reaction?

In an exothermic reaction, the temperature of the surroundings will... increase. In an endothermic reaction, the temperature of the surroundings will... decrease. A reaction in which the reactants have more energy than the products. exothermic. A reaction in which the products have more energy than the reactants.

Is a cake endothermic or endothermic?

baking a cake. endothermic - HEAT ENTERS, CAKE MUST BECOME WARM TO BAKE. (when the cake is in the over the oven must keep putting more heat in to cook the cake). cooking an egg. endothermic - HEAT ENTERS, EGG MUST BECOME WARM TO COOK.