c (Social structure is the foundation of social life that makes social order possible.) A historian tells her audience that a long time ago people only occasionally joined into strategic unions when a person from one tribe or group made a commitment to raise children with a person from another tribe.
d) A building has a history that begins with its construction and ends with its demolition, just like society. c (Social structure is like a building that exists over a long period of time, though the occupants may come and go.) Which statement correctly infers the result of a loss of social structure?
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a) Social structure has no impact on the interactions people have, it only impacts their perceptions, attitudes, and other mental processes. b) People with different life experiences are still part of a common social structure, so even people with different life experiences will act the same when placed in the same social context.
d) A sociologist would claim that individuals do not make choices based on socialization; instead, individuals make choices based on seeking rewards and avoiding punishments. a (Social structure is a term that is fundamental to the entire way sociologists understand social life.)
a) Individuals are free to ignore rules and norms related to driving because social structure does not impact our actions or choices, only our beliefs.
d (An individual's position in the social structure determines their perceptions, attitudes, and behavior, which in turn influences how they interact with other people.)
A historian tells her audience that a long time ago people only occasionally joined into strategic unions when a person from one tribe or group made a commitment to raise children with a person from another tribe. This practice became relatively common over time, and it eventually became formalized into what is now called marriage. What process is the historian describing?
a) Social structures are the physical buildings people live and work in each day.
a) Roles are an important part of society, but they are not a part of social structures.
a) Social structure has no impact on the interactions people have, it only impacts their perceptions, attitudes, and other mental processes.