which of the following beliefs is held by shiite muslims but not by sunni muslims? course hero

by Dr. Ola Murphy PhD 3 min read

What are the beliefs of Shiite Muslims?

Shiites believe that only Allah, the God of the Islam faith, can select religious leaders, and that therefore, all successors must be direct descendants of Muhammad's family. They maintain that Ali, Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, was the rightful heir to the leadership of the Islam religion after Muhammad's death.

What do Sunnis and Shiites believe?

Sunnis and Shiites share the belief that there are five pillars of Islam: (1) the unity of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad, (2) the five obligatory prayers, (3) fasting, (4) charity, and (5) the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Do Shiites believe in Muhammad?

Both Sunnis and Shiites read the Quran, the sayings of the Prophet. Both believe Prophet Muhammad was the messenger of Allah.

What are the differences between Shiite and Sunni beliefs quizlet?

What are the main differences of Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims? Sunni's believe in a caliph and they believe that the leader can be anyone. Shia's believe in an Imam and that you have to be a descendent of the prophet in order to be a leader.

What's the difference between Shias and Sunnis?

Sunni Muslims have a simpler religious hierarchy Sunni Muslims allow the government to have their say in who is appointed as a leader. Alternatively, Shia Muslims have full control over their hierarchy, and the clergy is always someone from the direct line of Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison between Sunnis and Shiites?

Which of the following is an accurate comparison between Sunnis and Shiites? Sunnis believe that caliphs are chosen by election from the umma, while Shiites trace political succession through the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad.