which of the following are true about closed-ended questions? (choose 2) course hero

by Abbie Jacobi 5 min read

What is the difference between open ended and closed ended questions?

 · Which of the following are true about closed-ended questions? (Choose 2) Good for surveys of a large number of people, Reduces ambiguity Most surveys of a large number of people contain primarily questions, which are easy to process with computers and analyze with statistics. A(n) question is a question that has the desired response categories defined for the …

What are the advantages of a closed-ended questionnaire?

The start-up cost is high. Correct Answer Toner cartridges are expensive. The start - up cost is high . Refer to curriculum topic: 8.2.2 Some disadvantages of a laser printer include: Cost of start-up is high. Toner cartridges are expensive. It requires a high level of maintenance. Correct !

What is the purpose of closed-ended questions in research?

Both open-ended and closed-ended questions are used to collect data for research endeavors. Which of the following statements is true? A. Open-ended questions are used to collect primarily quantitative data. B. Closed-ended questions are used to collect quantitative data information, because the researcher provides the answers for selection.

What is a question that encourages respondents to answer in particular?

This question may prompt a wide array of answers and most should be found in the following list: 1. closed-ended answers easily transferred from the questionnaire to a computer for analysis, 2. closed-ended answers are easy to compare, since all responses fall into a fixed number of predetermined categories, 3. closed-ended questions may help ...

What are 2 examples of closed-ended questions?

Examples of closed-ended questions are:Are you feeling better today?May I use the bathroom?Is the prime rib a special tonight?Should I date him?Will you please do me a favor?Have you already completed your homework?Is that your final answer?Were you planning on becoming a fireman?More items...

Which of the following is an accurate statement about closed-ended question?

Which of the following is an accurate statement about closed-ended questions? They are easier to code than open-ended questions. Which of the following is a disadvantage of interviews? The interviewer could subtly bias the respondent's answers by inadvertently showing approval or disapproval of certain answers.

What are open-ended and closed-ended question give 2 examples for each?

Open-ended questions are broad and can be answered in detail (e.g. "What do you think about this product?"), while closed-ended questions are narrow in focus and usually answered with a single word or a pick from limited multiple-choice options (e.g. "Are you satisfied with this product?" → Yes/No/Mostly/Not quite).

What are closed-ended questions Mcq?

Multiple choice closed-ended questions allow the respondents to choose one or more answers from a given list of answer options. You can define the answer options of your own choice or you can use a pre-existing set of dichotomous answers, such as yes/no, true/false, or ranking scale response options.

What is a closed-ended question quizlet?

Terms in this set (13) Closed question. Question that can be answered with a simple Yes or No or with a brief, factual statement. Open ended question. A question that, in principle, is open to numerous possible answers.

What is close ended questions in research?

A closed-ended survey question is one that provides respondents with a fixed number of responses from which to choose an answer. It is made up of a question stem and a set of answer choices (the response alternatives).

Why use closed-ended questions?

Closed-ended questions are often good for surveys, because you get higher response rates when users don't have to type so much. Also, answers to closed-ended questions can easily be analyzed statistically, which is what you usually want to do with survey data.

Which of the following is an example of a closed question quizlet?

* "Are you going to group therapy tomorrow?" is correct. This is an example of a closed-ended question, which elicits a one-word response, such as yes or no. "How long have you been depressed?" is correct. This is an example of a closed-ended question, which elicits a one-word or short factual response.

What are close ended and open-ended questions?

A closed-ended question is made up of pre-populated answer choices for the respondent to choose from; while an open-ended question asks the respondent to provide feedback in their own words. Let's take a deeper look at both question types, review their strengths and weaknesses, and clarify when to use each of them.

What are closed-ended questions PDF?

Close-ended questions are those which can be answered by a simple "yes" or "no," while open-ended questions are those which require more thought and more than a simple one-word answer.

Which of the following aspects is an advantage of closed questions Mcq?

Easy and quick to answer. Response choice can clarify the question text for the respondent. Improves consistency of responses. Easy to compare with other respondents or questionnaires.

How do you analyze closed-ended questions?

Since closed-ended questions have discrete responses, you can analyze these responses by assigning a number or a value to every answer. This makes it easy to compare responses of different individuals which, in turn, enables statistical analysis of survey findings.

Why are closed ended questions used to collect exploratory data?

D. Closed-ended questions are used to collect exploratory data, because the information is left up to the individual.

Why are closed ended questions used to collect quantitative data information?

B. Closed-ended questions are used to collect quantitative data information, because the researcher provides the answers for selection.

What is the purpose of observation in a study?

A researcher decides to use observation as the data collection method for a study. To effectively collect the needed data from college-age students, the researcher enrolls in a selected college course to be able to observe and collect data about the behaviors of the students.

Who must answer all questions with a substantive answer?

a. The respondent must answer all questions with a substantive answer

How does the order of questions affect the validity of a question?

The order in which questions are presented to respondents may influence the reliability and validity of answers. Researchers call this the question-order effect. In ordering questions, the researcher should consider the effect on the respondent of the previous question, the likelihood of the respondent's completing the questionnaire, and the need to select groups of respondents for certain questions. The first several questions in a survey are usually designed to break the ice. They are general questions that are easy to answer. Complex, specific questions may cause respondents to terminate an interview or not complete a questionnaire because they think it will be too hard. Questions on personal or sensitive topics usually are left to the end. Otherwise, some respondents may suspect that the purpose of the survey is to check up on them rather than to find out public attitudes and activities in general. In some cases, however, it may be important to collect demographic information first. One problem to avoid is known as a response set, or straight-line responding. A response set may occur when a series of questions have the same answer choices. Respondents who find themselves agreeing with the first several statements may skim over subsequent statements and check "agree" on all. This is likely to happen if statements are on related topics. To avoid the response set phenomenon, statements should be worded so that respondents may agree with the first, disagree with the second, and so on. This way the respondents are forced to read each statement carefully before responding. Saliency is the effect that specific mention of an issue in a survey may have in causing a respondent to mention the issue in connection with a later question: the earlier question brings the issue forward in the respondent's mind. Redundancy is the reverse of saliency. Some respondents, unwilling to repeat themselves, may not say crime is a problem in response to the general query if earlier they had indicated that crime was a problem. Respondents may also strive to appear consistent. An answer to a question may be constrained by an answer given earlier. Finally, fatigue may cause respondents to give perfunctory answers to questions late in the survey. In lengthy questionnaires, response set problems often arise due to fatigue. Question order also becomes an important consideration when the researcher uses a branching question, which sorts respondents into subgroups and directs these subgroups to different parts of the questionnaire, or a filter question, which screens respondents from inappropriate questions. A survey may sort people into several groups. For each group, a different set of questions may be appropriate. A filter question is typically used to prevent the uninformed from answering questions. Branching and filter questions increase the chances for interviewerrespondent error. Questions to be answered by all respondents may be missed. However, careful attention to questionnaire layout, clear instructions to the interviewer and the respondent, and well-ordered questions will minimize the possibility of confusion and lost or inappropriate information. Subject fatigue is always a problem in survey research. Thus, if a survey poses an inordinate number of questions or takes up too much of the respondents' time, the respondents may lose interest or start answering without much thought or care. Or they may get distracted, impatient, or even hostile. And keeping people interested in the research is exactly what is needed.

What does it mean when an interviewer asks for clarification?

By asking for clarification, the interviewer can increase the accuracy of the recorded answer and improve understanding of respondent opinions.

Why do respondents give perfunctory answers to questions late in the survey?

Respondents may also strive to appear consistent. An answer to a question may be constrained by an answer given earlier. Finally, fatigue may cause respondents to give perfunctory answers to questions late in the survey. In lengthy questionnaires, response set problems often arise due to fatigue.

Why is the response rate low in a survey?

If the response rate is low, either because individuals cannot be reached or because they refuse to participate, the researchers' ability to make statistical inferences for the population being studied may be limited. Also, those who do participate may differ systematically from those who do not, creating other biases. Increasing the size of the survey sample to compensate for low response rates may only increase costs without alleviating the problem

Why do we use filter questions in surveys?

For each group, a different set of questions may be appropriate. A filter question is typically used to prevent the uninformed from answering questions . Branching and filter questions increase the chances for interviewerrespondent error.

Can you substitute for a respondent who refuses to complete a survey?

Substituting for a respondent who refuses to complete a survey may bias results of the survey if there is some common factor shared by those who refuse to cooperate. The amount of bias introduced by nonresponses due to refusal or unavailability varies, depending on the purpose of the study and the explanatory factors stressed by the research.