which of the following are late successional species? course hero

by Wilfred Reichel 9 min read

What are examples of late successional species?

Douglas-fir and grand fir are the primary late successional tree species. Ponderosa pine and western larch may also be present.

What is a late successional ecosystem?

Climax species, also called late seral, late-successional, K-selected or equilibrium species, are plant species that can germinate and grow with limited resources; e.g., they need heat exposure or low water availability.

Are spruce trees middle or late successional species?

Mid-successional forest is characterized by the following: a canopy cover of less than 70 percent; a canopy and sub-canopy composed of native species, including Sitka spruce, black cottonwood, red alder, and red cedar; and.Jul 15, 2014

What characterizes late successional communities?

Early successional communities are those that establish themselves relatively quickly after disturbance, while late successional communities are those that establish themselves much later.

What is late successional forest?

Characterized by large trees and plenty of shrub cover. A Wildlife Forest. The late-successional forest provides almost all of the wildlife benefits of early and mid-successional forests. This mature forest has bigger trees and abundant understory in openings and around the edges.

What are characteristics of late successional species?

Classic life history augment is that late successional species have high competitive ability and resist disturbance at the cost of higher investment in growth, low investment in reproduction (not necessarily true in terms of number of offspring.

What is a successional species?

Definition as written by darylmitchell: A species of tree that replaces a more shade-intolerant pioneer or other successional tree species in a forest. The seedlings of a successional species can grow in the shaded understory and mature into the dominant species.

Is Oak a late successional species?

Succession currently is obscured by the long-term state transition or regime shift from fire-tolerant oak and pine species to fire-sensitive species, which are not late-successional, because of fire exclusion and current land use that favors planted species and species competitive after overstory tree removal.Aug 13, 2019

What are mid successional species?

Terms in this set (8) (Mid-successional species are plants and animals that grow after the original species die off. These plants and animals often are the first division of the original species that are created when cells are combined to form a stronger species.)

What are early successional species?

Early succession is the only period when tree canopies do not dominate the forest site, and so this stage can be characterized by high productivity of plant species (including herbs and shrubs), complex food webs, large nutrient fluxes, and high structural and spatial complexity.

What traits are characteristic of late successional plants?

By contrast, late‐successional communities tend to be dominated by species with high competitive ability, but low colonizing ability, indicated by large seeds, high seed germination rate, low photosynthetic rate, and leaf proline content.Jun 1, 2018

Are oak and hickory late successional species?

Oak and hickory are late-successional species; pioneer species will dominate for many decades before the oaks and hickories are reestablished. This biome contains plants that are adapted to prevent water loss due to the low average rainfall and high temperatures year-round. You just studied 28 terms!