Contact us for more information, or visit and select "Gale Courses" to get started. (Please note: A valid library card from the Marathon County Public Library or another Wisconsin Valley Library Service / V-Cat library is required to register for these courses.) article by Ben Krombholz / IT Technician
McMillan Memorial Library is happy to provide a valuable learning resource to our community. Gale Courses deliver over 350 engaging, instructor-led online courses focused on professional development, technology skills, and personal enrichment to transform lives and foster positive changes in our community.
McMillan subscribes to and pays for Gale Courses on the basis of our service population. To access it, you do not need to live in Wisconsin Rapids or Wood County, but you must have a LINK/McMillan library card and designate McMillan as your home library.
At a glance, view the top 20 courses specific to your library and learn what new courses are soon being offered. • Discover Sign Language • Speed Spanish • Accounting Fundamentals • Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2019/Office 365 • Grammar Refresher • Drawing for the Absolute Beginner • Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My!
Register in person at any branch, bringing proof of address and a photo ID. You may bring a completed printable registration form (also available in Spanish ), but it is not required.
The Digital Library Card may be used to place holds on desired titles and use most online services. If you already have an active MCPL library card, you do not need to apply for a Digital Library Card.