which of the following are effects of high doses of stimulant drugs? course hero

by Julio Howell 6 min read

While every stimulant will be slightly different in its specific effects, all stimulants share a set of side effects that can wreak havoc on a user’s system when abused 2: Increased heart rate. Heightened blood pressure. Very high body temperature. Muscle shakes or tremors. Agitation. All of these effects are common to stimulant abuse.

Full Answer

Why is tolerance important in addiction?

Tolerance is a contributing factor to the development of both dependence and addiction and occurs when a person becomes so physiologically accustomed to the high levels of stimulant drug that they need more and more of it to feel the desired euphoric effects.

What are the effects of stimulant abuse?

Very high body temperature. Muscle shakes or tremors. Agitation. All of these effects are common to stimulant abuse. No matter how you cut it, stimulant abuse, even in the short term, can have disastrous consequences for the user, resulting in hyperthermia, cardiovascular abnormalities, and sudden death.

How does physical dependence develop?

Physical dependence can develop when a person uses stimulants often or in high doses— a pattern of use that may arise given an ever-increasing tolerance to the stimulant effects 2. Furthermore, dependent individuals may experience a stimulant withdrawal syndrome when use of the drug stops or slows. Not all instances of physical drug dependence indicate the presence of an addiction, but they often go hand-in-hand. As a behavioral concept, an addiction is characterized by the continued seeking out and using of a substance despite negative consequences.

Why are stimulants abused?

Stimulants are generally abused for their euphoric, energetic effects. In the short term, stimulant effects can be very pleasurable and may include 2, 5: Intense feelings of happiness. Increased energy/sociability and self-esteem. Improved attention. Increased sexual desire and performance.

How long does withdrawal from stimulants last?

Withdrawal may begin immediately following the cessation of use and some symptoms can last up to 4 months, so it is important to know what to expect 2.

What is chapter 5 of the National Center for Biotechnology Information?

National Center for Biotechnology Information. Chapter 5 – Medical aspects of stimulant use disorder. Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorders.

What is the purpose of stimulants?

Stimulants are a class of substances that increase certain types of cell signaling and amplify various physiologic processes throughout the brain and body. In particular, many types of stimulant drugs are associated with heightened dopamine release, which can result in a powerful sense of well-being, increased energy, attention, and alertness 1.

Why are stimulants called sympathomimetic drugs?

These drugs are called sympathomimetic drugs because they mimic the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. Most stimulants cause euphoria and agitation while increasing energy, alertness, confidence, and sexual desire.

What are high efficacy stimulants?

In comparison, low-efficacy stimulants like nicotine and caffeine produce modest effects. We will explore the differences between the two in greater depth when covering low-efficacy stimulants in the next chapter. For now, let’s examine the two most notable high-efficacy stimulants: cocaine and amphetamine.

Why is cocaine considered a party drug?

Cocaine is used recreationally as a party drug most often due to the increase in energy and euphoria it provides . Because of this, its use often correlates with other party drugs such as MDMA (ecstasy) and amphetamines or other drugs such as heroin. The presence of alcohol in such environments can be particularly dangerous due to the synergistic interaction between the two mentioned earlier.

How is amphetamine administered?

Amphetamine can also be administered via injection, inhalation, or intranasally, which results in a more rapid absorption. The rate of absorption is also dependent on the ionization of the drug; amphetamine is a weak base that is commonly ionized in the gut, which contributes to the slow rate of oral absorption.

Why are stimulants called uppers?

They are sometimes colloquially referred to as “uppers” due to their stimulating effects.

What is the first class of drugs?

The first class of drugs we will be looking at are stimulants . A stimulant is any drug that increases the activity of the central nervous system. For this reason, they are also known as CNS stimulants. Before examining any specific drugs, we will first go over some properties that are common across all stimulants.

How does cocaine affect the neuron?

Cocaine produces its effects by blocking transporter proteins responsible for the neuronal reuptake of monoamines. To refresh, these are the pumps that remove excess transmitters from the synapse and return it to the presynaptic cell. Cocaine blocks the transporter proteins for monoamines, in particular, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin, preventing them from being reabsorbed and increasing the overall amount present in the synapse.

What are the effects of stimulants on the body?

Stimulants cause a lack of need for sleep as well as increased energy . They can also give a person a false sense of cleverness, power, and competence, making them more likely to become hostile. If a person does show signs of belligerence as a result of these drugs, it is important not to engage in their argument and to remain calm as well as neutral.

What is the effect of amphetamines on respiration?

“Increased respiration,” according to CESAR, is another common side effect of amphetamine and other types of stimulant drug use. This is also the opposite effect of opioid drugs but can still be problematic nonetheless. If someone’s breathing becomes extremely rapid, they may be suffering from a panic attack or another side effect of high doses of stimulant drugs.

Why do people take sleeping pills?

This can be incredibly dangerous, as many users will begin to take prescription sleeping pills in order to counteract the effects of stimulants .

Can stimulants cause high body temperature?

Increased Body Temperature. The NIDA Teen states stimulant drugs can cause “dangerously high body temperatures” which is something of which users and their family members should be aware. Some stimulants, when taken in high doses, can cause such a spike in body temperature that the individual passes out.

Can stimulants cause appetite loss?

Appetite Loss. Stimulant use can cause a loss of appetite. You should not be alarmed if someone taking stimulants does not show as strong of an appetite as before. Appetite loss is extremely common as a short term effect of these drugs. An issue will begin to occur, though, when someone takes stimulants in order to exploit this effect ...

Can stimulants be harmful?

However, even one large dose can cause problematic and even harmful side effects. This is something every stimulant user should understand, both those who abuse the drugs and those who don’t.

Can stimulants increase heart rate?

A person’s blood pressure as well as their heart rate will increase when they are taking stimulants. These effects will usually not become too dangerous unless the individual takes an extremely large dose of the drug. However, it is important to monitor the heart rate and blood pressure of someone who is on a stimulant treatment regimen and ensure that they are healthy.

Why do stimulants make you euphoric?

The euphoric effects of stimulants are the result of the substance disrupting the regular functioning of the brain causing an abrupt increase in the production of dopamine. Dopamine is the chemical in the brain that is responsible for producing pleasure, happiness and euphoria. Unfortunately, repeat use of stimulants can cause opposite effects.

What are the cells that transmit messages throughout the body?

These cells, called neurons, are responsible for transmitting messages throughout the body and acting as the gateways for pain response, energy, behavior and attitude. When stimulants are taken, they produce stimulating effects on the central nervous system which causes pleasure, increased energy and various other effects.

What are the effects of snorting cocaine?

If a user is snorting cocaine, a dangerous stimulant, he or she may suffer from various effects including a chronic runny nose, nosebleeds, sinus infections or a loss of sense of smell.

What are the short term effects of stimulants?

Short Term Effects of Stimulants. Blurred vision and confusion are common short term effects of stimulants. When the user first starts taking stimulants, he or she will feel energetic and joyous. The drug will cause increased alertness and energy.

Can stimulants cause death?

Long Term Effects of Stimulants. Stimulants have a wide potential to cause tolerance and dependence. Stimulant addiction can lead to overdose, permanent side effects or even death. Repeated use of the drug, whether a legal stimulant or an illegal stimulant, will likely lead to an increased tolerance that makes it difficult for ...

Can stimulants be harmful?

Stimulants can be harmful, especially when abused, however there are certain times specifically where you shouldn’t use them.

Can stimulants cause muscle spasms?

muscle spasms. Stimulants will cause the heart to go into overtime, working diligently to pump blood throughout the body. This can cause serious consequences as the user is at an increased risk for heart attack or stroke when he or she is under the influence of stimulating drugs.

Are Stimulants Harmful?

Stimulants are a class of substances that increase certain types of cell signaling and amplify various physiologic processes throughout the brain and body. In particular, many types of stimulant drugs are associated with heightened dopamine release, which can result in a powerful sense of well-being, increased energy, atte…
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Short-Term Effects of Stimulants

  • Stimulants are generally abused for their euphoric, energetic effects. In the short term, stimulant effects can be very pleasurable and may include 2, 5: 1. Intense feelings of happiness. 2. Increased energy/sociability and self-esteem. 3. Improved attention. 4. Increased sexual desire and performance. 5. Opened breathing passages/easier breathing. 6. Suppressed appetite. Whil…
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Side Effects

  • While every stimulant will be slightly different in its specific effects, all stimulants share a set of side effects that can wreak havoc on a user’s system when abused 2: 1. Increased heart rate. 2. Heightened blood pressure. 3. Very high body temperature. 4. Muscle shakes or tremors. 5. Agitation. All of these effects are common to stimulant abus...
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Long-Term Effects of Abusing Stimulants

  • The effects of stimulant use can extend well beyond the short-term high. Many users disregard the future in favor of a blissful short-term high, but the potential harm associated with ongoing use should not be ignored. Long-term physical effects of stimulant abuse include 2: 1. Extreme weight loss. 2. Reduced sexual functioning. 3. Gastrointestinal problems. 4. Muscle deterioratio…
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Stimulant Dependence

  • If the prospect of incurring these long-term health effects isn’t already bad enough, a chronic stimulant user is also at high risk of developing tolerance to, dependence on and, eventually, addiction to stimulants. Tolerance is a contributing factor to the development of both dependence and addiction and occurs when a person becomes so physiologically accustomed to the high le…
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Stimulant Withdrawal Treatment

  • Withdrawal from stimulant abuse is not a life-threatening process, but it can be uncomfortable. There are physical and psychological aspects of stimulant withdrawal that can be difficult to cope with alone, and professional treatment can help to manage these symptoms. Withdrawal may begin immediately following the cessation of use and some symptoms can last up to 4 months, …
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